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                                               Wiktoria                              Wiktoria Nnaka (Poland)
                     Aneta Ticha               Bikini +172                         Wiktoria Nnaka prevailed undisputedly, as
                     (Slovakia) was            cm (Super                           in all competitions this season, which she
                     proclaimed                Tall Class)                         closes undefeated. The Polish athlete has
                     Bikini -172               World                               achieved all the official 2020 titles, including
                     cm (Tall                  champion.u
                     class) world                                                  the e-Championships, with a physique in which
                     champion.u                                                    her natural slenderness and genetic conditions
                                                                                   stand out. At 19, she could remain an amateur
                                                                                   a little longer, before going on to the demanding
                                                                                   Elite Pro Division.
                        TALL CLASS (-172 cm)          SUPER TALL CLASS (+172 cm)
                      Gold:  Aneta Ticha (Slovakia)   Gold:  Wiktoria Nnaka (Poland)     WELLNESS
                      Silver:  Sanja Novakovic (Spain)    Silver:  Kristyna Berna (Czech Rep.)
                     Bronze:  Natalia Machowicz (Poland)   Bronze:  Beata Rantaeskola (Finland)
                                                                                  The 4th edition of this modality had to return to
                                                                                  the 2 classes of 2018 due to the pandemic, but
                                                                                  it did maintain a high quality, represented mainly
                        SHORT CLASS (-163 cm)           TALL CLASS (+163 cm)      through the duel between two-time world
                                                                                  champion, Dagmara Dominiczak (Poland) and
                                                                                  current queen, Lara Santini (Croatia). Although
                      Gold:  Dagmara Dominiczak (Poland)   Gold:  Lara Santini (Croatia)
                      Silver:  Oona Hentunen (Finland)    Silver:  Nina Glavina (Croatia)  the result was the same, it can be considered
                     Bronze:  Rebeca Climent (Spain)    Bronze:  Niina Kaunisto (Finland)  that both were satisfied: Santini revalidated the
                                                                                  crown and Dominiczak cut the difference to 1
                                                                                  point, while reaching her third consecutive gold,
                                              Lara Santini                        a feat no other athlete has achieved so far in
                                                (Croatia)                         this discipline.
                                              took the title
                                                in the Tall
                                               class (+163
                                                 cm). u
                                                                                     OVERALL WELLNESS:
                                                                                      Lara Santini (Croatia)
                                                                                   In a repeat of the 2019 final, Lara Santini once
                                                                                   again prevailed over Dagmara Dominiczak,
                                                                                   achieving her second consecutive title. True:
                                                                                   she did it by only 1 point (7 to 8 points), but the
                                                                                   fantastic 23-year-old Croatian athlete is still the
                                                                                   reference of this discipline at amateur level.

                                           tGold medal
                                           in 2018
                                           and 2019,
                                           her world title
                                           in the Short

                  22  2020/2021  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR
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