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hen the EBFF Congress
                                                               decided to move the
                                                               2020 Bodybuilding and
                                                               Fitness World
                                                  WChampionship from
                                                Benidorm to Santa Susanna, it also
                                                approved the incorporation of the Master
                                                World Championship, initially planned for
                                                Turkey. This decision facilitated the travel
                                   tVladimir    of athletes and delegates and offered the
                                   Lanevich     maximum health safety guarantees. As a
                                   (Russia; 186
                                   cm) was      result, many master athletes were able to
                                   the overall
                                   champion     double, also participating in the Senior
                                   of Men’s     World Cup and living an unforgettable
                                   Physique, at
                                   42 years of   experience. Among these were three             pAlina Yaman (Ukraine)
                                   age.                                                         achieved the overall title of
                                                athletes who achieved gold in both              Bodyfitness, displaying complete
                                                divisions: Nicola Barlotta (Bodybuilding),      mastery of the discipline. At 35
                                                                                                she looked the best in her career.
                                                Alina Yaman (Bodyfitness) and Nataliia
                                                Prokhgoldva (Women’s Physique).
                                                   Despite the complications in the
                                                general situation, the competition
                                                consolidated the Classic Physique and
                                                Wellness disciplines, now in their second
                                                edition. Along with them, the rest of the
                                                divisions (Bikini, Bodyfitness, Men’s
                                                Physique and Bodybuilding) offered the
                                                same high level as usual.

                                                                                      was the
                                                                                   champion of
                                                                                    Bikini. The
                                                                                    155 cm tall
                                                                                    athlete was
                     pAt 47 years, the very complete                                   to her
                     Martin Drab (Czech Rep.) won the                                 rivals.u
                     overall title of Bodybuilding. Drab
                     is a timeless heavyweight, 101
                     kilos of muscle, in top condition.

                                                      pGermán Villarroya
                                                      (Spain) achieved the
                                                      overall title of Classic
                                                      Bodybuilding. At 45
                                                      years (181 cm and
                                                      87 kilos), he offered
                                                      the most complete
                                                      physique of the

                                                                                2020/2021  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  25
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