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                  A new chapter in the individual duel
                  between the Ukrainian specialists: with less                       Nataliia
                  size, but more quality, Nataliia Prokhorova   Mina Sofía           Prokhorova
                  showed the best version of herself at 49   Mahzoon                 (Ukraine)
                  years, going from bronze in 2019 to gold,   (Sweden)               achieved
                  thanks to her advantage in the compulsory   Physique               the Women’s
                  poses. The Master champion adds 3 golds   (-163 cm)                Physique
                                                                                     (+163 cm)
                  to her collection in this championship, bea-  world                world
                  ting fellow countrywoman Liubov Popova.   champion).u              champion
                  The elegant athlete went from her 2019                             title.u
                  silver to bronze, surpassed by Polish athlete
                  Krzyworzeka, despite prevailing in the free   SHORT CLASS (-163 cm)      TALL CLASS (+163 cm)
                  poses, where she was the favourite.
                    In the short class, we saw a lot of new                              Gold:  Nataliia Prokhorova (Ukraine)
                                                       Gold:  Mina-Sofía Mahzoon (Sweden)
                  faces, with a clear victory for the Swedish     Silver:  Aline Beck (Switzerland)    Silver:  Aleksandra Krzyworzeka (Poland)
                  Mina S. Mahzoon over her rivals.     Bronze:  Andrijana Dabic (Austria)   Bronze:  Liubov Popova (Ukraine)
                    OVERALL WOMEN’S
                     Natalia Prokhorova
                                                           MIXED PAIRS BODYBUILDING

                                                    In the most disputed edition of the century, featuring 11 couples, Ukraine maintained its
                                                    dominance under the guidance of Liubov Popopa who, with new partner Vadym Vasylevsyi,
                                                    repeated the gold of 2019. The quality of their routine (5 points) was key to achieve the title.
                                                       Another experienced couple, Elena Masarykova and Peter Tatarka, repeated their bronze
                                                    of 2019 for Slovakia, surpassed by the Austrian couple made up of Andrijana Dabic and Andrej
                                                    Mandic, who confirm the excellent role of Austria in the 2020 World Cup.

                                                                                                        Liubov Popova &
                                                                                                        Yurii Zymohliad
                   Mina Mahzoon’s 29 years and her good                                                   (Ukraine)
                   lines couldn’t prevent Nataliia Prokhorova,                                             Silver:
                   20 years older, from clearly conquering           Yurii Zymohliad and Liubov         Andrijana Dabic &
                                                                     Popova (Ukraine), Mixed
                   the overall title (6 to 9 points), thanks to the   pairs Bodybuilding world           Andrej Mandic
                   fantastic balance between her muscularity             champions.                       Bronze:
                   and leanness. With less size than before,                                           Elena Masarykova
                   the Ukrainian athlete offered the best                                               & Peter Tatarka
                   shape of her career.                                                                   (Slovakia)
                        BEST TEAM AWARD
                   Russia, champion in 2017 and 2019, was never
                   even close to the title with a depleted team due
                   to the pandemic. This allowed Ukraine to easily
                   recover its 2018 crown, thanks to their medals in all
                   disciplines and the high average level of its athletes.
                     Behind Ukraine, a great leap was made by
                   Finland, going from 5th place in 2019 to the                                RESULTS (TOP 7)
                   second step on the podium, ahead of Poland                                1      Ukraine   (145 points)
                   who repeated the bronze tied on points with                               2      Finland   (96 points)
                   the Czech Republic, and achieving a title as                              3 4  Poland   (82 points)
                                                                                                        (82 points)
                                                                                                Czech Rep.
                   important as Bikini.                                                      5  Spain   (54 points)
                     Spain continued to improve, going from 8th in   very renewed team that will have to follow up on   6 7  Slovakia   (53 points)
                                                                                                        (42 points)
                   2019 to 5th, ahead of Slovakia and Russia, with a   their evolution.
                                                                                                MUSCLE & HEALTH  23

                                                                                2020/2021  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  23
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