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GAMES CLASSIC                                                       GAMES CLASSIC
                           BODYBUILDING                                                    Gold:  Erick Sánchez (Guatemala)

                                                                                           Silver:  Martin Sagan (Slovakia)
                       With a fantastic physique, the Guatemalan Erick                    Bronze:  Dragos Enuta (Romania)
                       Sánchez won the only gold for America, and                           4th:  Denis Petrovic (Austria)
                                                                                            5th:   Ales Lamka (Czech Rep.)
                       he did it twice. The fantastic athlete of 171 cm                     6th:   Ronaldo Hernández (Nicaragua)
                       and 71 kilos already achieved silver in 2019, and
                       this year he showed his progression, imposing
                       himself in the Short Class. Without a doubt, his                    tErick Sánchez (Guatemala),
                       physique is the reference of Bodybuilding in its                    Games Classic Bodybuilding
                       Olympic approach, what makes Sánchez a star                         short class world champion.
                       in his home country and in Central America.
              Erick Sánchez
              his second
              gold medal, by          Daniel Kunikowski
              proclaiming             (Poland), Classic
              himself the             Bodybuilding Middle                CLASSIC BODYBUILDING
              Classic                 class world champion,
              Bodybuilding            shining bright during
              World Champion          the finals.u
              in Short class,
              with a perfect                                            Erick Sánchez knew how to summarize everything Classic
              score of 5                                                Bodybuilding represents with his slim physique of 71 kilos.
              points.u                                                  Size and development are not a priority in a discipline that
                                                                        exhibited excellent physiques, but where the judges chose
                                                                        an athlete as light as he is proportionate and aesthetic.
                                                                        Sánchez is an idol in Guatemala, where Bodybuilding is
                                                                        an Olympic sport. A journalist followed his every move to
                                                                        report on his triumph; a medal that made an entire country
                                                                        hold its breath.

                                                                               OVERALL CHAMPION:
                                                                              Erick Sánchez (Guatemala)
                     SHORT CLASS (-171 cm)      MIDDLE CLASS (-175 cm)

                     Gold:  Erick Sánchez (Guatemala)   Gold:  Daniel Kunikowski (Poland)
                     Silver:  Cosmin Iancu (Romania)    Silver:  José María Gómez (Spain)
                    Bronze:  José María Arge (Spain)   Bronze:  Fabrizio De Silvestro (Italy)
                      4th:  Gumersindo Soto (Spain)  4th:  Raúl Sánchez (Spain)
                      5th:   Jorge Camacho (Spain)  5th:   Dragos Enuta (Romania)
                      6th:   Moisés Romera (Spain)  6th:   Ronaldo Hdez. (Nicaragua)

               Yuriy Gayduk           Martin Sagan (Slovakia),
               (Ukraine) Classic      Classic Bodybuilding World
               Bodybuilding           Champion in the Super Tall
               Tall class world       class, at 24 years old. He
               champion.u             widely dominated the two
                                      final rounds.u
                                                                         President Santonja and the Executive Assistant, Dr. Adel Fahim, together with the
                                                                            Classic Bodybuilding overall champion, Erick Sánchez (Guatemala).

                      TALL CLASS (-180 cm)    SUPER TALL CLASS (+180 cm)

                     Gold:  Yuriy Gayduk (Ukraine)   Gold:  Martin Sagan (Slovakia)
                     Silver:  Vladimir Matsievskiy (Russia)    Silver:  Ehsan Salehineya (Holland)
                    Bronze:  Yamil Calvo (Spain)   Bronze:  Danylo Tsypko (Ukraine)
                      4th:  Borja Serna (Spain)  4th:  Francisco Galván (Spain)
                      5th:   William Rguez. (El Salvador)  5th:   Germán Villarroya (Ukraine)  Maximum equality in the overall final, where Erick Sánchez (left) prevailed by
                      6th:   Miguel A. Pozuelo (Spain)  6th:   Denis Petrovic (Austria)  majority decision, based on his fabulous aesthetics, ahead of his larger rivals.

                                                                                2020/2021  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  15
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