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A total of 9 countries were
                                                                                            represented in Latvia.


                                    LATVIA ASSERTS ITSELF AS THE TOP SPOT

                                         FOR THIS SPECTACULAR MODALITY

                                         “Poland wins the team title for the first time.”
                        “Riga achieves a growth in participation despite the international situation.”
                                “Samanta Balode asserts herself as the best athlete of 2020.”

                                                                                    Among her rivals was Maryna
                      í  THE CAPITAL of Latvia    and female athletes from 9 countries   Polapa. The Ukrainian athlete, who
                                                  on the past 17 and 18 of October.
                       hosted the first IFBB Fit
                   Model competition in 2017 and     Two stars stood out in the   already achieved a silver medal in
                   has, since then, established itself as   championship: Samanta Balode   2017, continues to be at the top
                   the benchmark of this discipline.   and Mayna Polapa. The Latvian   of the international Fit Model
                   Thanks to the excellent organization   athlete came to the World Cup   division. In the 2020 European
                   provided by its national federation,   with the confidence of being   Cup she achieved the bronze
                   led by Mrs. Christina Vedernikova,   the current champion and, with   medal, yet in less than 4 weeks she
                   Riga has become the meeting point   a different panel of judges she   was able to correct her flaws and
                   of the Fit Model division. In a   became champion again, winning   conquered gold in the Tall Class
                   complicated year like this one, Riga   her class (-163 cm) and the   (+168 cm), with a wide gap in
                   still managed to bring together male   Overall title.          points over her rivals.

                                    Samanta                                BEST TEAM      MEN'S FIT MODEL (OPEN)
                                  (Latvia), Overall                         AWARD
                                  Fit Model World                           (TOP 6)      Gold:   Ireneusz Pochwala (Poland)
                               Champion, accompanied                                     Silver:    Dariusz Skraba (Poland)
                                by President Christina                                   Bronze:   Arvidas Kirshakmens (Latvia)
                                Vedernikova and Vice                      1   POLAND
                                 President Vladimir                       2   LATVIA
                                     Belov.                               3   UKRAINE          SUPER FINAL
                                                                          4   RUSSIA
                                                                          5   LITHUANIA  Gold:    Samanta Balode (Latvia)
                                                                          6   ESTONIA    Silver:   Anastasia Galimova (Russia)
                                                                                         Bronze:  Marina Polapa (Ukraine)

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