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pDr Rafael Santonja -Dc.Adel Fahim- Mr. Adbul Azeem Hegazy.  pSome of the IFBB’s staff of judges and officials.

                                                                     pDr. Santonja awards the IFBB gold medal to Mr. Adbul Azeem Hegazy.
                                                                     tBeing in Cairo, a visit to the pyramids is essential.

                           nder the watchful eye of   Adel Fahim, President of the Egyptian   would amount to a total of 700,
                           the Pyramids of the Giza   Federation, President of the Arab and   promising a competition with
                           Plateau in Cairo City on   African federations of physique-  magnificent social, sporting and
                           February 18, the first   bodybuilding and fitness and Vice-  media repercussions.
                  Uinternational event of         President of IFBB.                  Likewise, the promoter of the
                 this year's IFBB season began, an   Although faced with a disturbing   championship, Mr. Adbul Azeem
                 event that was open to all athletes   expectation about the effects that   Hegazy arranged all the means at his
                 from Europe, Africa and Asia.    the pandemic could have with     disposal to achieve the best event
                   The international federation team,    COVID 19 on the championship, the   that could be held, in a space
                 headed by Mr. José Ramos Muñoz, a   Egyptian Federation in charge of   designed and dedicated to a top-
                 member of the IFBB Executive Board,   the organization of the event,   notch athletic spectacle such as the
                 were welcomed with open arms by the   informed the IFBB officials that the   one that took place at the Muvenpick
                 Egyptian organization lead by Dr.   total number of athletes expected   Hotel Cairo -Media City.

                                                                     COMPLETE PHOTO


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