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                noted that the IRAQ athlete ABDALLA                                proportions that raised the passion
                PSHADAR MAHMUD achieved a                                          and cheers of the fans present in the
                second place and silver medal in the                               championship venue.
                Classic Physique category up to 173cm.                               The winner and gold medal up to
                Danish athlete FABRISYOS                                           70kg was Sameh Ahmed Hamed
                MOHAMED ALY also won a medal,                                      Mohamed. He was followed in the
                taking home third place in the Classic                             category of up to 80kg, the gold medal
                physique category up to 178cm.                                     won by Islam Mohamed Abdalla
                  Saturday started at 10:00  for all                               Abdelnaby.
                Body Builders and the youngest, the                                  Osama Salama Ahmed Salama won
                Juniors between the 16 and 23 years                                in the category up to 90kg and in
                in two categories, under 80kg and                                  heavyweight it was competitor Sherif
                over 80kg, had the first prominence of                             Abdelbaaeth Mohamed who won the
                the spectators who wanted to see  the                              gold medal.
                show. After a long day, Friday’s                                     The Champion of Champions,
                competition  ended at 04:00 a.m!                                   winner of the overall, was the
                  In the Junior category up to 80 kg,                              Egyptian competitor Osama Salama
                the winner was Mahmoud Ismail                                      Ahmed Salama who had won his Body
                Ahmed Mohamadain. And in the                                       Building category of up to 90kg.
                category of over 80kg, the gold went                                 More than 800 competitors came
                to Sherif Abdelbaaeth Mohamed, both                                together at MUSCLETECH
                competitors from Egypt.                                            DIAMOND CUP CAIRO 2021, which
                  The Masters category once again                                  together with the organization, the
                showed that our sport is ageless and                               Egyptian Federation, the promoter of
                we were able to witness on stage the                               the event, officials and judges from
                oldest competitor, the Egyptian, Taha                              various Arab and European countries,
                Abdelmoneam Elgarf who was born in                                 as well as sponsors, coaches,
                1948! And competing in the división of                             spectators and fans of Body Building
                over  50 years and over 80kg.                                      physiques, made this Muscletch
                  The most anticipated moment of                                   Diamond Cup, a global benchmark in
                the day was when senior bodybuilding                               terms of sport , organization and
                began, covering 4 categories: up to                                logistics.
                70kg, up to 80kg, up to 90kg and over                                An unforgettable trip for all,
                90kg.                                                              including European officials who,
                  Egypt has won several world titles                               courtesy of the organization and
                in senior bodybuilding throughout its                              federation, were able to visit the
                history and we met the great heirs of                              pyramids of Gizah and the Egyptian
                those triumphs, showing great muscle                               museum in Cairo and contemplate the
                quality, as well as symmetries and   pVeteran competitor Taha Abdelmoneam   thousands of objects on display there.

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