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pThe category of Men's Physique over 178 cm.

                IFBB, spent more than 2 hours       Dr. Santonja gave an Honorable   effort and dedication in the
                judging the competitors to find who   mention to Dr. Abel Fahim for his   organization and promotion of this
                would reach the final. This was  a very   invaluable contribution  to our sport.   Diamond Cup.
                difficult selection job because of the   The promoter of the event Mr. Adbul   Friday ran smoothly, despite the
                quality of all the competitors.   Azeem Hegazy was awarded the IFBB   large number of competitors who had
                   Accompanied by a fast-paced    Gold Medal, a badge awarded for his   to fight for a place in the final.
                staging, the following categories of                                 After the finals of Men's Physique,
                Men's physique were giving way to the                              it was time for the competitors of the
                high size (+178) with their 131                                    CLASSIC PHYSIQUE category who, in
                competitors, who under the excited                                 all three dividions, made a  a total of
                gaze of the organizers, made history                               143 athletes who showed off their
                that will mark a milestone in our                                  great physiques starting with the most
                sport.                                                             committed pose of the division: the
                   Dr Rafael Santonja, President of                                abdominal vacuum or vacum,
                IFBB, lived up to his promise and                                  indispensable to be able to participate
                attended the Diamond Cup, and was                                  and choose to continue competing,
                pleased to accompany competitors on                                according to the regulation of this
                stage at various points of the                                     category.
                competition as well as in different                                  While most Egyptian athletes
                tributes given by the organizers.                                  obtained the first places, it should be

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