Page 102 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 102

2023 III dIamond CUp hUnGarY

                               BUDAPESt CONSOLIDAtES ItSELF

                                   IN thE EUROPEAN CALENDAR

                                           pthe Bodybuilding competition, won by the slovakian ales cebin, who
                                                was light heavyweight winner in 2022, was spectacular.

                                       í  the appOintment     Arena, giving athletes the   title, ahead of the Spanish
                                                                                      Lorenzo Fernández. On his
                                                             feeling of being sports stars.
                                         in Budapest, in the
             "Fitness Challenge makes   warm month of June, is   A total of 16 countries   side, Gellert Molnar became
              its Diamond Cup debut."  already a goal for many   participated in this edition   the star of Men's Physique,
                                    European athletes who    that took place from June 3   winning the overall over
               "Hungary shows its
              potential in women's   see how the Diamond Cup   to 5, in which Elite Pro Cards   another Spaniard, David
                                                             were distributed, as well as
                                                                                      Dosuna, and displaying
                                    in Hungary is surpassed
            disciplines, with stars like   in organization, comfort,   points for the IFBB World   fantastic potential at 24 years
                Fruzsina Lengyel    glamour and show year    Ranking. The event showed   of age.
               (Acrobatic Fitness),   after year. Organized by   that the female disciplines,     In the women's draw,
             Brigitta Kariko (Artistic   the international promoter   together with Men's Physique   the absence of the winner in
              Fitness), Vivien Simo   Mr. Csaba Bara, with the   are on the rise.     2022, Evelin Szalai, who’s
                                                               Among the outstanding
             (Bikini Master) and Lilien   support of the Hungarian   athletes of the competition,   resting for the end of the
                                                                                      season, made Hungary find
                                    Federation (MTFSZ) chaired
              Pasztor (Fit Model)."  by Mr. Istvan Huber, the   we have to highlight the   its most outstanding figure in
              "Ales Cebin (Slovenia)   competition is part of a   Slovenian Ales Cebin who   Lilien Pasztor, together with
                 revalidates his    dynamic Expo dedicated   was gold in -90 Kilos in   the new winners in Fitness,
               Bodybuilding title."  to Fitness and held in the   2022, and now returned to   Fruzsina Lengyel (acrobatic)
                                                             Budapest to win the overall
                                                                                      and Brigitta Kariko (artistic).
                                    impressive Laszlo Papp
             "Gellert Molnar (Hungary),
                prevails in Men's                                                                tthe fitness
                  Physique."                                                                     challenge
              "Jana Vojtiskova (Czech                                                            debuted in a
               Rep.), dominates in                                                               diamond cup. In
                                                                                                 the image, the male
                  Wellness."                                                                     finalists of the gold
             "Isabell Wicke (Germany)                                                             complete pHoto
              leads in Bodyfitness."                                                                 gallerY
            "Sofía Korinkova (Slovakia)
               wins the Bikini title."

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