Page 100 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
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2023 IFBB dIamond CUp

                                  malta & IFBB elIte pro

                                              malta shoW

            “tHe BeaUtIfUl IslaNd of malta Was tHe place to Be oN sUNdaY 14  maY for
                  tHe 2023 IfBB dIamoNd cUp malta aNd IfBB elIte pro malta sHoW.”

                                                Over 100 athletes registered for
                í  malta has become one of the   the event, with approximately 30   of prestigious events scheduled for
                  favorite locations on IFBB’s
              calendar of events, thanks to the   competing in more than one division.  On 24 September, 2023, the
              prestigious events organized by the   The highlight of the evening was   MFBFF will be organizing three
              Malta Federation of Bodybuilding   when Wellness athlete, Gentiana   events during one weekend.
              and Fitness the affiliate to the IFBB   Beqa, won the Overall Women’s   The Battle is a National
              Federation in Malta.            Wellness event, and then went on   qualifier for the Arnold Classic
                MFBBF President Ralph Decelis,   to win the IFBB Elite Pro Wellness   Europe. The best male and Female
              who is also IFBB’s General Secretary,   event on the same evening in Malta.  athletes will have free flights and
              and his dedicated committee,      Gentiana Beqa is rated as one of   accommodation.
              always make sure the event is of the   IFBB’s best Wellness athletes in the   The second event on schedule is
              highest standards. As wilth every   world.                      the The IFBB Malta International
              international event held in Malta, all   Czech Republic’s Lumir Stefek,   Grand Prix, which is an IFBB Elite
              the athletes enjoy their experience.  went on to win the IFBB Elite Pro   Pro qualifier with 12 IFBB Elite Pro
                The Diamond Cup Malta event   Men’s Classic Physique Open event.   cards up for grabs and also a World
              was an IFBB Elite Pro qualifier, and   The fans loved Lumir’s posing   Tour Ranking qualifier.
              an IFBB World Tour Ranking Event.  routine, and especially when he   Finally, the main event will be
                The Diamond Cup Malta was     posed in front of the crowd during   the  IFBB Elite Pro Masters World
              organized just a few weeks after the   the pose down together with the   Championships. The best Master Pro
              IFBB European Championships,    other classic physique athletes.  athletes will have the opportunity to
              meaning the athletes that competed   The season is not over for the   compete for IFBB Masters Elite Pro’s
              were at the highest level.      MFBBF, as they still have a number   most prestigious title.

                                                                                 TIMO STOCKL

             complete pHoto

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