Page 95 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 95

The Wellness division, which
                                                 is always spectacular in America,
                                                 was a quality show due to the
                                                 good number of athletes and the
                                                 completeness of their physiques.
                                                 The representative of Antigua &
                                                 Barbuda Ahjanya King imposed her
                                                 law, without a doubt flaunting the
                                                 best definition of the entire division,
                                                 but just within the parameters of
                                                 Wellness. With an adequate muscle
                                                 size in both legs and buttocks, she
                                                 was invincible.
                                                   The overall victory of Men’s
                                                 Physique was for the representative
                                                 of the Bahamas, Terrion Kemp, who
                                                 was also the winner of the Junior
                                                 Men’s Physique. However, it didn’t
                                                 seem so clear in his fight against the
                                                 representative of Guyana Emmerson
                                                 Campbell, who appeared with a
                                                 resounding physique, some good abs
                                                 and very good aesthetics. Terrion,
                                                 on his side, presented a very tall
                                                 physique with a very small waist
                                                 and correct size, adequate definition
                                                 and, above all, a lively and brave
                                                 pose for a boy of Junior age. So,
                                                 he ended up as the winner of the
                                                 overall Men’s Physique.
                                                    Zairelys Gomez from Venezuela
                                                 was the overall Bikini champion,
                                                 another discipline that was certainly
                                                 not easy at all, but her physique
                                                 stood out for her balance, pose
                                                 and correct condition. The most
                                                 numerous of all women’s divisions
                                                 and with increasing quality every
                                                 year in this region, Bikini does
                                                 not stop growing throughout the
                                                 world. In Bodybuilding, we had
                                                 the surprise of seeing the most
                                                 numerous of all the male divisions.
                                                 The overall winner, Mexican Josué
                                                 Mata Mendes, is a compendium
                                                 of what Bodybuilding should
                                                 be: full size, but with excellent
                                                 rippedness and great muscular
                                                 balance along with a powerful frame
                                                 and good pose. When all of these
                                                 qualities come together, it’s almost
                                                 impossible to beat.

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