Page 92 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
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Overall, the Syrian winner of   win. In 70 kilos, the athlete   athlete from Oman Ali Salim   won, although he did not have
             up to 180 cm, Mohammad Al   from Bahrain Ahmed Ebrahim   Ali Al Mamari won and   an easy time against his rival
             Rafai, was the fair winner.  Alsayyad was the one who   convinced; it was impossible   from Oman, Mohammed Ali
               In 65 kilo Bodybuilding, the   took the gold. At 75 kilos and   to be bigger at his height and   Alajmi, who with his superb
             competitor from Oman, Sami   coming from UAE, Ahmad Ali   those 85 kilos did not give an   condition only left room for the
             Khalifa Hasan taught us all   Mohammed Mulla did not have   inch of margin to his   Persian to beat him fairly. At
             that the issue of weight has   an easy time at all in this   opponents, so much so that he   more than 95 kilos, the other
             nothing to do with what you   tough category. In less than   won the overall title. At less   Iranian Mohamed Reza Tayebi,
             do with it. Very few physiques   80 kilos, another UAE   than 90 kilos, the beautiful   with 118 kg on the scale, did
             like this were seen in   representative, Ahmed     shape and muscular quality   not give anyone room to
             Damascus: legs to dream of,   Rustom, also won     and separation of the Bahraini   discussing the title, tall but
             small waist, excellent V   unanimously thanks to his   Muslem Abdulla Ali made him   with a lot of size (and well
             shape, yet big and       structure, leg size, body   win the gold fairly. In less than   proportioned), only in the
             proportionate, he left no one   shape, big arms and excellent   95 kilos, the representative of   definition he did not go to the
             in any doubt who was going to   pose. In less than 85 kilos, the   Iran, Hossein Pashazaedegh,   maximum.

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