Page 97 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 97

IFBB eUrasIan ChampIonshIps

                 í  the 2023 IFBB Eurasian    Eurasian Open Champion.           •  Anastassiya Zhdanovich in
                                                The competition was fierce,
                   Open Championships, a highly
              anticipated bodybuilding and fitness   and the Overall winners were:  •  Angelina Erivantseva in
              competition, concluded in the city of                               FitModel
              Almaty, Kazakhstan which proved   •  Vitalii Guliaev in
              to be a perfect host city.          Bodybuilding                  Congratulations to all the
                 The event showcased some of    •  Artem Krysin in Mens      winners and participants and we
              the most talented athletes from     Physique                   look forward to the next edition
              Europe and Asia, all competing    •  Luiza Valieva in Women’s   of the Eurasian Open
              for the prestigious title of IFBB   Bodyfitness                Championships.

                                                                                                       complete pHoto

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