Page 96 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 96

IFBB West aFrICan
            complete pHoto
                            ChampIonshIps 2023

                                                     í  Ghana has hosted
                                                       the 2023 IFBB West
                                                  African Championships,
                                                  organized by the Ghanaian
                                                  Federation and its President
                                                  Mr. Abdul Hayye Yartey.
                                                    Francis Nanaberg and
                                                  Christopher Nton from Ghana
                                                  emerged as winners in the
                                                  Classic Physique and Men’s
                                                  Physique categories
                                                    Ibrahim Olalekan from
                                                  Nigeria obtained the first
                                                  position in the Bodybuilding
                                                  category. In the female
                                                  categories; Nomathamsanqu
                                                  Phiri from Zimbabwe was the
                                                  winner in the Bikini Fitness
                                                  category and Compaore
                                                  Safoura from Burkina Faso in

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