Page 91 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
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outstanding pose. In 176 cm, the   Alnapdi won as he had done   more than 175 cm, the   competition shape and a good
            local athlete Ahmed Abdulla   previously. As for the Overall, it   Palestinian Suhail Alsasaad   display of his best poses. In up
            Al-Thawadi won the gold in a   went to short champion Ganem   surprised everyone against his   to 180 cm, the Syrian
            very tough fight with Omani   Salim Al Mamari.    compatriot Maher S N Haboush.   Mohammad Al Refai did not
            Malik Issa Alkasbi, whom he   In classic Physique, in the   They were both very excited   have an easy time, but his
            ended up beating by a meagre   size of up to 171 cm, popular   when the national anthem   muscular quality, size and,
            1-point difference. In 179 cm,   local athlete Mohammed Naji Ali   played.  above all, his competitiveness
            the representative of the United   won the gold. He was not the   In Classic Bodybuilding up to   beat the good form of the
            Arab Emirates Sultan Ali Al   largest, but he was the best   171 cm, the representative of   Emirati Ahmed Abdalla
            Shamsi was the champion in a   poser and the one with the most   UAE Hassan Ali A Dhanhani won   Alhammadi, who showed the
            class that wasn’t easy, either.   shredded and proportionate   for his aesthetic, balanced,   most aesthetic of physiques. At
            The 182 cm category had the   physique. At 175 cm, Syrian   ripped physique and good pose.   over 180, the Lebanese athlete
            athlete from Bahrain Abdel   Tawfik Alaboud did not leave a   In up to 175 cm, Thani Khamis   Hassan Imad Abdallah imposed
            Rahman Bushaqer as       single flank neglected, he won   Saeed Alhamadi, also from UAE,   his physique: tall, but with
            undisputed gold winner. In the   and convinced, as he also did,   had a difficult time winning, but   acceptable size and good
            tall class, the Emirati Ali Dawi   once again, in the Overall. In   he did so due to his great   muscle definition. In the

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