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            ANNUAL AND ELECTORAL Central
            American Caribbean Congress in Aruba

            MEETING WITH MS.
            NICOLE HOEVERTSZ,                                                                  President Santonja
                                                                                               with Ms. Nicole
            IOC VICE PRESIDENT                                                                 Hoevertsz,
                                                                                               accompanied by
                                                                                               the elected
                                                                                               President of CAC,
                                                                                               Tony Peña, and the
            lThe beautiful Caribbean island                                                    former President
            welcomed Dr. Rafael Santonja, the                                                  Mr Giovanni Arendz
                                                                                               IFBB Vice President,
            president of IFBB, along with members                                              with executive
            of the executive board and delegations                                             members of the
            from the Central American and                                                      Caribbean and
            Caribbean Confederation, who                                                       Central America
            gathered in Aruba for the                                                          Federation.
            Intercontinental Championships and
            this year’s Central American and   •  Ms. Nicole Hoevertsz, Vice President of
            Caribbean Congress, which was also an   the International Olympic Committee.
            electoral event.                 •   Honorable Charles Griffith, Minister of
               All the attendants of the Congress   Youth, Sport & Community
            were very honored to count on the   Empowerment of Barbados.
            presence of Ms Nicole Hoevertsz , Vice   •  Honorable Endy JH Croes, Minister of
            President of the International Olympic   Education and Sports of Aruba.
            Committee, with whom President   •  Mr. Giovanni Arendsz, Vice president of
            Santonja held a very nice dinner after the   IFBB for the Caribean who has done an
            congress.                           excellent work for many years
               At the CAC Executive Exco Members   promoting our sport throughout the
            Elections, Mr. Tony Peña, from      region.
            Dominican Republic resulted elected as   •  Mr. Tony Peña, the new president of the
            President for the next four years term,   Central American and Caribbean
            taking the torch from Giovanni Arendsz,   Confederation.
            former President and current IFBB Vice   •  And Mr Roger Boyce who organizes
            President for the Caribbean.        every year in Barbados, one of the
               Distinguished authorities were in   largest professional events in the world.
            attendance at the Central American and
            Caribbean Championships and were   Congratulations to the entire Caribbean   Ms. Nicole Hoevertsz, Vice President of the
                                                                               International Olympic Committee with
            honored with IFBB awards:        team for the excellent work accomplished.  President of the IFBB, Rafael Santonja.

            IFBB ASIAN                                                                         IFBB President, Dr.
                                                                                               Rafael Santonja
            FEDERATION                                                                         with the Minister of
                                                                                               Sports and Youth of
                                                                                               Lebanon, His
            CONGRESS                                                                           Excellency Dr.
                                                                                               George Kallas
                                                                                               accompanied by Mr
            lOrganized in Beirut by the Lebanese                                               Moukaled, President
            Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness and its                                     of the Lebanese
            president Mr. Hassenen Moukaled, the Asian                                         Federation and the
            Federation Congress was held successfully at                                       Continental
            the Hilton Hotel under the leadership of the                                       Federation
            Continental Federation President, Mr. Vitalii                                      President, Mr. Vitalii
            Kozhukov. Officials and delegates from Asian                                       Kozhukov.
            countries were privileged to have the presence
            of IFBB President, Dr. Rafael Santonja, who
            provided them with updates on recent
            achievements and new projects of the
            International Federation. During the opening
            ceremony, the congress had the honour of
            counting on the presence of the Minister of
            Sports and Youth of Lebanon, His Excellency
            Dr. George Kallas, who was awarded by
            President Santonja in recognition and gratitude
            for his continuous and steadfast support of
            bodybuilding and fitness sports in the country,
            specifically for the Asian Championship held
            this weekend in the Lebanese capital.  AFBF Executive and Asian Federation Members that have attended to the Asian Congress.

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