Page 168 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
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                                             lThe International Fitness and Bodybuilding
                                             Federation is very proud of its solid relation
                                             with the Olympism in the Americas. IFBB
                                             has garnered recognition from all regional
                                             sports organizations, reinforcing its
                                             commitment to the Olympic spirit and
                                                Recognized by the Pan-American Sports
                                             Organization (PANAMSPORTS), the Central
                                             American and Caribbean Sports
                                             Organization (CENTRO CARIBE SPORTS),
            Ms. Nicole Hoevertsz, current IOC Vice   the Central American Sports Organization
            President, always willing to make a stand for   (ORDECA), the South American Sports
            the IFBB in its path towards Olympism.  Organization (ODESUR), Bolivarian Sports
                                             ORganization (ODEBO), IFBB has solidified
                                             its position in the continent’s sporting   With Baltazar Medina, President of the
                                             landscape.                       Bolivarian Sports Organization, from which
                                                IFBB’s official participation in various   IFBB is a recognized member, participating
                                                                              regularly in the Bolivarian Games, and
                                             prestigious events listed on the International   Beach Bolivarian Games
                                             Olympic Committee (IOC) Calendar further   The next edition of the Bolivarian
                                             underscores its dedication to promoting   Games will take place in Ayacucho 2024,
                                             sport and fostering international   and IFBB will participate with Bodybuilding
                                             cooperation. These events include the Pan   and Fitness as medallist sports.
                                             American Games, South American Games,
                                             Central American and Caribbean Games,
                                             Central American Games, Bolivarian Games,
                                             and the Asian Beach Games. The
                                             organization is also gearing up to join the
            The President of the South American Sports   Pan-Arab Games, expanding its reach and
            Organization, Mr. Camilo Perez, being awarded
            with the IFBB Gold Medal by Dr. Santonja, and   influence across the globe.
            Lic. Juan Fernando Paredes, President of the   The inclusion of fitness and bodybuilding
            South American Bodybuilding and Fitness   disciplines in these prominent Games serves
            Federation, with the occasion of IFBB   as a source of inspiration for athletes and
            participation at the South American Games .  officials alike. IFBB’s participation contributes
                                             significantly to the principles of fair play,
                                             clean sport, and solidarity, thereby playing a
                                             pivotal role in educating and nurturing
                                             future generations of athletes who embody
                                             the Olympic spirit.
                                                IFBB remains dedicated to promoting a
                                             sense of unity, competition, and excellence
                                             among athletes from diverse backgrounds.

                                                                              Dr. Santonja’s with PanamSports President,
            At the meeting of the Central American                            Ing. Neven Ilic (right) and Dr. Julio Cesar
            and Caribbean Sports Organization, in                             Maglione, IOC member.
            Panama City, greeting Luis Mejia,
            President of the Central American and                             Awarding the President of the Pan
            Caribbean Sports Organization (CENTRO                             American sports organization, Eng. Neven
            CARIBE SPORTS) and IOC member.                                    Ilic Alvarez, with the IFBB Gold Medal, in
                                                                              recognition to his decided support to the
                                                                              Sports of Bodybuilding and Fitness.

                                                                                           With Henry Nuñez,
                                                                                           President of the Central
                                                                                           American Sports
                                                                                           Organization, and
                                                                                           Emmet Lang, former
                                                                                           President of the same
                                                                                           organization and
                                                                                           President of the
                                                                                           Nicaraguan Olympic
                                                                                           Committee, and Gral.
                                                                                           Juan Santiago Estrada,
            With Jimena Saldaña, General Secretary                                         Exco Member of
            and as well Vice President of                                                  Panamsports and IFBB
            Panamsports.                                                                   Special Advisor.

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