Page 169 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 169


            PRESIDENT                                                                          President
                                                                                               Santonja in
            SANTONJA                                                                           Manama,
                                                                                               presenting an
                                                                                               award to the
            VISITED MANAMA                                                                     President of
                                                                                               the Bahrain
             lPresident Santonja visited the capital of Bahrain,                               Committee,
             Manama, where he met His Highness Prince Khalid                                   His Royal
             bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Chairman of the Bahrain                                     Highness
             Olympic Committee (BOC), an inspirational leader                                  Prince Khalid
             known for his great dedication to sports. President                               bin Hamad Al
             Santonja had the opportunity to witness various                                   Khalifa.
             Bodybuilding competitions with His Highness the
             Prince, which were organized by the national
             federation, chaired by the former international
             champion Sami Al Hadad.
               President Santonja received the visit of the
             president of the United Arab Emirates federation
             (EBBFF) and IFBB vice president for Asia, H.E.
             Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Sharqi, while in
             Bahrain. Dr. Santonja also held various working
             meetings with the secretary general of the BOC,
             Mr. Faris Mustapha Al Kooheji, which focused on
             the promotion of Bodybuilding in the Gulf area
             and coordinating future actions with the Asian
             Olympic Committees.

                                                              During his visit to Bahrain, Dr. Santonja was accompanied by the
                                                              president of the United Arab Emirates federation (EBBFF) and IFBB
                                                              vice president for Asia, H.E. Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Sharqi.

                   Images from the meeting at the Bahrain Olimpic
                      Committee headquarters, with the Secretary
                          General Mr. Faris Mustapha Al Kooheji.


             PARTICIPATING IN THE IF                                                          In the picture,

             FORUM IN LAUSANNE                                                                President Santonja
                                                                                              surrounded by Mr.
                                                                                              Hassan Moustafa,
            lPresident Santonja,  joined the international                                    President of the
            sports community during his participation in                                      International
            the prestigious IF Forum held at the Olympic                                      Handball Federation
            Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland.                                                  (IHF), Mr.
               The IF Forum, a renowned gathering of                                          Mohammed Jaloud,
            influential figures from the world of sports, took                                President of the
            place at the iconic Olympic Museum, serving as                                    International
            the perfect backdrop for critical discussions on                                  Weightlifting
            the future of international sports. He took the                                   Federation (IWF),
            opportunity to engage in several meetings with                                    and Mr. Sam
            top officials, authorities and friends within the                                 Ramsamy, IOC
            international sports arena.                                                       Member.

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