Page 68 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 68


             Brand new faces at the top of both categories. 2022 World Championships runner-up, Raluca-Elena Biro (Romania) took the
             5th position, just behind the well-known master athlete from Ukraine, Yana Shyrokykh. Other Ukrainian, Olena Kushnirova,
             moved up from 8th place at the 2021 Worlds to the runner-up position now. Gold medals went to new stars: Ivana Vuckovic
             from Bosnia & Herzegovina and Malin Nilsson from Sweden, who definitely won the Overall title as well.

         WOMEN’S                                                                                     WOMEN’S
         PHYSIQUE UP                                                                                PHYSIQUE
         TO 163 CM                                                                                  OVER 163 CM
           Gold:                                                                                      Gold:
         Malin Nilsson                                                                              Ivana Vuckovic
          (Sweden)                                                                                   (Bosnia &
          Silver:                                                                                   Herzegovina)
        Assna Hassani                                                                                 Silver:
          (France)                                                                                 Olena Kushnirova
          Bronze:                                                                                    (Ukraine)
        Julia Cabarcos                                                                                Bronze:
          (Spain)                                                                                  Alexandra Krabbat

                                                                    tWomen’s physique
                                                                    overall winner malin
                                                                    Nilsson (sweden)
                                                                    congratulated by
                                                                    efBB executive
                                                                    director, mr. Jose
                                                                    ramos and efBB
                                                                    technical committee
                                                                    chairman, eng.
                                                                    andrew michalak

                                                                       Malin Nilsson

                                                           tthe overall
                                                           battle (from l):
                                                           malin Nilsson
                                                           (sweden – 1st
                                                           place); Ivana
                                                           Vuckovic (Bosnia
                                                           & Herzegovina –
                                                           2nd place).

                                            WOMEN’S FIT-MODEL

            There was a mixture of new stars and well-known stars.   cm class. Martyna Pietryszyn (Poland) regained her bronze
            2022 world champion Diana Skukauske (Lithuania)   medal in the shortest class, following her victory at the
            dropped to the 2nd place in 164 cm category, 2022   2022 World Cup. But the most happy athlete was the new
            European champion Julia Kogan (Estonia) failed to win any   Latvian star Regina Mandrika, winning the tallest class and
            medal, finishing in 4th place. On the other hand, Hanna   the Overall title (by 1 point over Hanna Tunik).
            Tunik (Ukraine) advanced from 4th place to the top in 168

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