Page 72 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 72


              Two competitors only but both top
              international stars with the World
              Championships gold medals in their
              dossier. This time Michal Barbier (Slovakia)
              slightly won both rounds adding one more
              European title to his set of achievements.
              He is also extremely fit and strong winning
              the gold medal in Fitness Challenge Gold
              Standard category!
                                           MEN’S FITNESS OPEN
                                         Gold: Michal Barbier (Slovakia)
                                        Silver: Fedir Khashalov (Ukraine)

                 MIXED-PAIRS OPEN                                          FIT-PAIRS OPEN

       As usual, most of pairs in new combinations. Gold medal went   These pairs must be composed of Women’s Bikini and Men’s
       to Ukrainian couple composed of Bodyfitness athlete Kateryna   Physique athletes. Top two places went to Romanian couples.
       Bortnychuk and Classic Physique continental champion Roman   The best two couples included only the medal winners in their
       Hubrii. They won the physique assessment round but slightly   individual categories. Mara Zidarescu (bronze medal in Bikini
       lost the routine round to the Polish couple included Bodyfitness   162 cm) and Ionut Lepadatu (silver medal in Men’s Physique 176
       competitor Olga Kelm and Master Bodybuilding multiple   cm) was assessed as the best arranged and performed fit-pair.
       champion Mariusz Balazinski. In the 3rd place couple from
       Romania composed of Women’s Physique athlete Iuliana Giurgiu
       and bodybuilder Marcel Manea (90 kg class).

                                                                   FIT-PAIRS OPEN
                                                                Gold: Mara Zidarescu – Ionut
                                                                   Lepadatu (Romania)
        MIXED-PAIRS                                            Silver: Ariana Toplicianu – Ciprian
            OPEN                                                   Borcan (Romania)
                                                                Bronze: Elisabeth Atamanski –
           Gold:                                                 Hendrik Kalme (Estonia)
         Bortnychuk –
         Roman Hubrii
          (Ukraine)                                              FIT-PAIRS OPEN:
       Olga Kelm – Mariusz                                    The best Mixed-Pair:
       Balazinski (Poland)                                      Mara Zidarescu –
          Bronze:                                                Ionut Lepadatu
        Iuliana Giurgiu –
         Marcel Manea                                              (Romania)

                                                                  2023 EUROPEAN FITNESS
                                                               CHAMPIONSHIPSTHE BEST TEAMS
              THE BEST
             MIXED-PAIR:                                       1  UKRAINE        225 puntos
              Kateryna                                         2  RoMANIA        190 puntos
             Bortnychuk                                        3  SLoVAKIA       148 puntos
              – Roman                                          4  FINLAND        120 puntos
              (Ukraine)                                        5  ESToNIA        118 puntos
                                                               6  PoLAND         91 puntos

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