Page 77 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 77


          It was necessary to
          combine both age
          categories as most of
          athletes entered the
          younger class (16-20   JUNIOR WOMEN’S
          years) and only 2    FITNESS 16-23
          were registered in   YEARS OPEN
          the older category.     Gold:
          Valeria Kopajeva     Valeria Kopajeva
          (Estonia) and          (Estonia)                                           JUNIOR
          Brigitta Kariko       Brigitta Kariko                                     WOMEN’S
          (Hungary) were         (Hungary)                                           ARTISTIC
          running a very close   Bronze:                                             FITNESS
          battle, finally been   Eevi Seikkula                                       WINNER
          tied 27:27. Closer                                                         Valeria
          analysis of the scores                                                    Kopajeva
          gave gold medal to                                                        (Estonia)

                                       JUNIOR MEN’S BODYBUILDING

          Both champions are new athletes from Bulgaria. Both in good shape but Georgi Kolev displayed better definition and bigger muscles. 2022
          World Championships runner-up in Classic Physique, Mihai Fratila (Romania), moved to Bodybuilding and also won the silver medal.

            JUNIOR MEN’S                                                                                JUNIOR MEN’S
           BODYBUILDING                                                                                BODYBUILDING
            16-20 YEARS                                                                                 21-23 YEARS
               OPEN                                                                                       OPEN
               Gold:                                                                                       Gold:
            Maksim Stoykov                                                                               Georgi Kolev
              (Bulgaria)                                                                                  (Bulgaria)
               Silver:                                                                                    Silver:
             Mihai Fratila                                                                               Ebrar Akgun
              (Romania)                                                                                   (Turkey)
              Bronze:                                                                                     Bronze:
             Vladut Corciu                                                                              Remigiu Partac
              (Romania)                                                                                   (Ireland)

                                                               pthe overall battle between two slovak
                                                               champions (from l): olivia Heckova (2nd
                                                               place) and Kristina Juricova (1st place).

                                                                           JUNIOR MEN’S
          pJunior men’s Bodybuilding overall winner georgi Kolev       BODYBUILDING OVERALL
          (Bulgaria) congratulated by president santonja and IfBB
          Women’s committee Head, mrs. gabriela mlsnova.               Georgi Kolev (Bulgaria)

                                                                           2022/2023  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  75
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82