Page 75 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
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                                                                              Ava Ahkami

          pJunior Women’s Bodyfitness   the overall battle
          overall winner ava ahkami       between two
          (finland) accompanied by      champions from
          efBB Bodybuilding committee   finland (from l): ava
          chairman, mr. Jose maria garcia   ahkami (1st place) vs.
          and efBB executive director, mr.   maria Virtanen (2nd
          Jose ramos (right).                place).u

                                        JUNIOR WOMEN’S WELLNESS

          23-years-old Anastasiia Martynova (Ukraine) had the last chance to win a medal at the junior championships and she used up this opportunity
          perfectly, finishing 1st in her class (+163 cm) and taking the Overall title. Moreover, she also finished 2nd in the senior 168 cm category. Apoline
          Ledru (France) also won the gold medal and will be as senior next year. Laura Lazar (Hungary) placed 3rd second year in a row in the younger class.

           JUNIOR WOMEN’S                                   the overall battle
           WELLNESS 16-20                                   (from l): snejana   JUNIOR WOMEN’S
            YEARS OPEN                                      gutue (romania –   WELLNESS OVERALL
                                                           2nd place); apoline
               Gold:                                       ledru (france – 3rd   Anastasiia
            Snejana Gutue                                   place), anastasiia   Martynova
              (Romania)                                          martynova
               Silver:                                         (Ukraine – 1st   (Ukraine)
             Maria Oiegas                                         place).q
             Laura Lazar

           JUNIOR WOMEN’S
           WELLNESS 21-23
              YEARS UP
             TO 163 CM
            Apoline Ledru
            Tamara Kajlova
             Ida Wallenius

           JUNIOR WOMEN’S                                                                           tJunior Women’s
            WELLNESS 21-23                                                                          Wellness overall
             YEARS OVER                                                                             winner anastasiia
              163 CM                                                                                martynova (Ukraine)
               Gold:                                                                                accompanied by
             Anastasiia                                                                             efBB Bodybuilding
           Martynova (Ukraine)                                                                      committee chairman,
               Silver:                                                                              mr. Jose maria
              Lena Kain                                                                             garcia and IfBB
             (Germany)                                                                              medical commission
              Bronze:                                                                               chairman, dr. alfonso
            Erica Makinen                                                                           moran (right).

                                                                           2022/2023  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  73
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80