Page 67 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 67


             Two gold medals for Ukraine but the biggest star was Albanian athlete, 2022 World Championships bronze medal winner,
             Gentiana Beqa, who won her category (163 cm) and then the Overall title (by 1 point over Yuliia Hornushkina (Ukraine)). By
             this she regained the European title first won in 2017 (representing Kosovo at that time). Marketa Hartl (Czech Republic)
             showed impressive improvements, winning the 158 cm class after her 9 place at the 2021 World Championships.

             WOMEN’S                                                                                    WOMEN’S
           WELLNESS UP                                                                                 WELLNESS UP
             TO 158 CM                                                                                  TO 163 CM
              Gold:                                                                                       Gold:
            Marketa Hartl                                                                              Gentiana Beqa
           (Czech Republic)                                                                              (Albania)
              Silver:                                                                                     Silver:
            Zeynep Yilmaz                                                                               Oana Belea
              (Turkey)                                                                                   (Romania)
              Bronze:                                                                                    Bronze:
              Ewelina                                                                                 Anastassia Toikka
            Hrynkiewicz-                                                                                 (Estonia)
           Kucybala (Ireland)

             WOMEN’S                                                                                    WOMEN’S
           WELLNESS UP                                                                                  WELLNESS
             TO 168 CM                                                                                 OVER 168 CM
              Gold:                                                                                       Gold:
            Alina Zinevych                                                                            Yuliia Hornushkina
             (Ukraine)                                                                                   (Ukraine)
              Silver:                                                                                     Silver:
             Anastasiia                                                                                  Lena Kain
             Martynova                                                                                   (Germany)
             (Ukraine)                                                                                   Bronze:
              Bronze:                                                                                  Nataliia Korniiuk
            Monika Pagoje                                                                              (Czech Republic)

                                                                        Wellness overall
                                                                        winner gentiana
                                                                        Beqa (albania)
                                                                        accompanied by
                                                                        president santonja
                                                                        and efBB executive
                                                                        director, prof.
                                                                        gabriel toncean


                                                                tthe overall
                                                                battle (from l):
                                                                Yuliia Hornushkina
                                                                (Ukraine – 2nd
                                                                place); alina
                                                                Zinevych (Ukraine –
                                                                4th place), gentiana
                                                                Beqa (albania – 1st

                                                                           2022/2023  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR  65
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