P. 40

EWA: As you transition from the   underscores) and you will discover   expenditure and the calories I
             offseason to competition weight,   how a BIKINI FITNESS athlete   ingest.
             what are the key elements in     lives.                              All this to reach a caloric deficit.
             your training and nutrition        Answering your question: any
             routines?                        sport taken to competition level is   EWA: For young, hopeful women
             BÁRBARA: I show my day to day    not healthy, since it subjects the   interested in following the Bikini
             life when I am in season and     metabolism to a very delicate state.   Fitness path, what advice would
             off-season on my social networks,   My key element in training is to   you give?
             where I upload my workouts and   continue doing what I had been   BÁRBARA: Without a doubt, it is a
             my lifestyle with many tips and   doing in my 1-hour sessions in the   very hard sporting discipline. It is
             advice. You can follow me on my   gym but increasing caloric      something they have to keep in mind
             Instagram @barbara__ab (two      expenditure a little with added   when they decide to follow this path.
                                              cardio. And in nutrition, normal   Starting from that base, the most
                                              caloric intake is adapted by creating   important thing of all, they have to
                                              a balance between caloric        know how to ENJOY the entire
                                                                                  BIKINI FITNESS is a way of life,
                                                                               not just a moment on stage. You have
                                                                               to be passionate about it and live it
                                                                               from the depth of your heart. There
                                                                               will be better and worse days but
                                                                               always know that you do it because
                                                                               you like it and it moves your heart

                                                                          BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TRAINING :
                                                               I love all my workouts, especially shoulders, legs and glutes.
                                                                 If I had to choose a favourite, it would be leg focused on glutes. I am a
                                                               basics girl and I consider that the basis of all training is glutes.
                                                                 A super complete training would always be done with prior activation
                                                               and mobility:
                                                                 EXERCISE                  TIPS

                                                               FREE SQUAT WITH BAR   Place your feet in both the squat and the press one point out of the
                                                                            width of your hips and do the press in the centre of the platform.
                                                               OR PRESS     Push hard from your heels.
                                                               LYING DOWN   Stretch completely on your way down and hold for a second on the
                                                               HAMSTRINGS   contraction.
                                                                            Find a bench that allows you to raise your hips and make them
                                                                            parallel with the floor. Place your feet open a point out of the width
                                                               THRUST WITH BAR  of your hips, toes facing outwards and at a distance that allows you
                                                                            to create a ninety-degree angle when your hips are  elevated at their
                                                                            maximum contraction. IMPORTANT: bring your knees in the
                                                                            direction of your toes, that is, outwards.
                                                                            Place the pulley at knee height so you have more working distance.
                                                               PULLEY GLUTE KICK  Explosive rise, bringing the toe of your foot outward, hold the
                                                                            contraction for a second and slowly lower it.
                                                               ROMANIAN DEADLIFT   Legs semi-bent, knees outward and body weight on the heels. Light
                                                               WITH DUMBBELL  weight controlling the lumbar area very well.
                                                               ADDUCTOR MACHINE   Only a little rest between sets and hold for a second during

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