P. 38


                                                              with the dream
                                                            It all started  in an event

                                                                 of one day
                                                                        and giving my

                                                                             and become a
                                                                           best to win
                                                                                professional in

                                                                                   this world.”

                                              getting my 4th IFBB ELITE PRO    mentioned this before during the
                                              CARD. Both my coach and I have   interview, but my brother is my coach.
                                              decided to take the step next year and   I am very lucky to have the family and
                                              accept the transition from the amateur   the environment I have, because they
                                              to the professional level. We had not   always support my decisions, they
                                              done it before because, if we were   want to see me happy and they know
                                              honest with ourselves, we knew that   that this is my passion.
                                              we did not have enough experience.
                                              These are big words because the girls   EWA: :What is your diet like?
                                              who compete there are from another   BÁRBARA: I don’t like to use the
                                              world but... Let’s go for it!    word “diet.” Our society has many
             EWA: What inspired your entry                                     prejudices against this word. I lead a
             into the world of Bikini Fitness,   EWA: How do your community    healthy lifestyle and contrary to what
             and why not sooner?              and environment support your     everyone thinks, my diet is very varied
             BÁRBARA: I have always been      fitness journey?
             passionate about the world of fitness.   BÁRBARA: I come from a family
             My beginnings with strength training,   that has always been closely linked to
             specifically, came the day I decided to   the world of sports. I haven’t
             carry out a serious training and diet
             plan with the help of my coach
             Andoni Álvarez Benéitez. It was
             because of him, who was a competing
             athlete, that I discovered this
             wonderful world of competition and
             the Bikini Fitness discipline. It all
             started with the dream of one day
             participating in an event and giving
             my best to win and become a
             professional in this world. This was 8
             years ago now, of which I have been
             competing for 1 and a half year. I
             managed to achieve that dream. You
             always have to fight for your dreams.
             This is something that I convey daily
             in my work as a personal trainer and
             on my social networks. Now I face an
             even bigger challenge, after this year

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