P. 33

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               1.  Originally, I competed in
                 bodybuilding up to 75kg,
                 but in 2021 and 2022 World
                 Championships, I transitioned to up
                 to 70kg category and even ventured
                 into Classic Bodybuilding up to
                 171cm. This shift to lower weight
                 classes significantly disrupted
                 my body’s balance, and I faced
                 considerable physical challenges.
                 After a few years of competing in
                 this manner, it felt like my athletic
                 career might be shortened.
                   Therefore, this year, I decided
                 not to be overly concerned with
                 rankings and chose to compete
                 in my original weight class,
                 Welterweight. I hope to continue
                 competing in the Welterweight
                 division in the future.
               2.  Approaching training with a
                 mindset of enjoying the process and
                 always maintaining a challenging
                 attitude were crucial factors in
                 my preparation. With the mindset
                 that I have nothing to lose and be
                 afraid of, I consistently prepared for
                 competitions. In the struggle with
                 myself, I always aimed to overcome
                 obstacles and prove the results. I
                 have come this far with the mindset
                 of “Do or Die,” and I wanted to
                 demonstrate that I can still achieve
               3.  I may not be an exceptional athlete,
                 so I don’t have specific advice.
                 However, it would be beneficial
                 for aspiring athletes to identify
                 their strengths and weaknesses,
                 preparing for competitions
                 accordingly. In bodybuilding, it’s
                 not just about having big muscles;
                 creating a beautiful, proportionate,
                 and well-balanced physique is
                 crucial. I hope that athletes won’t
                 get tired of the repetition, as
                 perseverance in the long run seems
                 to lead to victory.

                                                                                      SHINJAE, LEE
                                                                                      WINNER in Men’s Bodybuilding
                                                                                           up to 75 kg in 2023.

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