P. 31

1.  After the 2021 World
                 Championships, I faced personal
                 circumstances that prevented me
                 from dedicating myself to training
                 in 2022, leading to my decision to
                 abstain from competitions. The year-
                 long hiatus intensified my eagerness
                 to participate in competitions and
                 to create the best physique before
                 aging further, I approached training,
                 nutrition, and rest more diligently
                 than ever before. This resulted in
                 what I believe to be a successful
                 preparation for the competitions.
               2.   Winning the prestigious
                 ‘Cheongnyong medal’ considered
                 the highest honor for a Korean
                 sports figure, with three
                 consecutive victories at the World
                 Championships a decade ago,
                 became a significant goal for
                 me. To achieve this, I needed one
                 championship title and a third-
                 place finish. Over a year, I remained
                 dedicated to my training and
                 followed a strict diet to attain these
               3.  I spent 10 years to achieve my first
                 victory in a domestic competition,
                 followed by 7 more years to
                 secure 2nd place in the Asian
                 Championships and 4th place in
                 the World Championships. It took
                 a total of 18 years since I started
                 bodybuilding to win the World
                 Championships. While there may
                 be athletes who achieve victory in a
                 shorter period, many young athletes
                 today aspire to win (their goals) in
                 a short time. As seen in my case,
                 success in bodybuilding doesn’t
                 happen overnight. It requires a
                 minimum of 10 years of consistent
                 training, along with a strict diet and
                 ample rest.

                                                                                       KYEONG MO,
                                                                                    WINNER in Men’s Bodybuilding up to
                                                                                             65 kg in 2023.

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