2015 European Championships Women’s Bodyfitness

Saturday’s morning block of EBFF European Championships was devoted to fitness as all fitness categories (juniors, women’s and women’s) perfumed their semifinals, including the routine rounds and physique assessment rounds.

Than the junior women bikini fitness athletes took the stage to produce continental champions in two body height categories and the overall. Antonina Lazukova (Russia) regained all titles won last year: in the short class and in overall.

The afternoon session was started with wheelchair bodybuilders. French competitor John Edgar was declared the winner this time.

And the master women bodyfitness block. Italian star Roberta Arecco won over two Swedish famous competitors: Marina Chamoun and Maria Hasselmark in the 35-44 years old class, included long line-up of 31 athletes.

The over 45 years old category went to Kramer Rannveig (Iceland) who also won the overall title.