As previously reported, China and the Chinese Bodybuilding & Fitness Association (CBBA) will have, during 2018, a solid and strong participation in the IFBB season. With less than 50 days for coming next IFBB Belt & Road Championship that will be held in Xi´an -with 80.000 $ in cash prizes, open to all the IFBB-affiliated National Federations worldwide-, the next great international event will be the CBBA China International Fitness Expo & Championship, scheduled for November 16th to 18th, at the prestigious China International Exhibition Center, in Beijing.

 The Fitness Expo and International Amateur Championship will host as well, the Elite Pro Championship that will offer 75.000 US$ in cash prizes, as well promoted by the National Federation CBBA, led by president Mr. Zhang Haifeng and General Secretary. Mr. Gu Qiao.

More information related to this events will be announced coming soon.

Picture: The official poster for the CBBA China International Fitness Expo & Championship.