Continuing on its growth, IFBB Physique America announced Bill Moschelle as Chairman of Delaware State.
Bill Moschelle is a former military veteran, having spent 24 years in the Air Force and retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. His background is in mechanical and aeronautical engineering and he has been a competitor for 38 years, as well as an NPC judge in Florida & Ohio and has promoted several contests. He considers the highlights of his competitive career to have been able to compete in four IFBB World Championships; travelling to India, Spain, Turkey and Mexico for competition.
As he thoroughly enjoyed those experiences he is pleased to join IFBB Physique America which offers athletes the same great opportunity to compete for the USA on the international stage. Bill Moschelle is also delighted that IFBB Physique America is under WADA Drug-Testing Regulations and protocol.
Officials like Bill Moschelle are bringing IFBBPA a fast growing and fantastic progression, in the USA.
Picture: Bill Moschelle with IFBB President, Dr. Rafael Santonja.