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President Santonja with H.R.H. Sheikh Ahmad al Fahad
                                                al Sabah - President of the Association of National
                                                Olympic Committees (ANOC) and President of the
                                                Olympic Council of Asia (OCA).

                                        IFBB TODAY

                 2016/2017 celebrating the IFBB recognition by the Pan American Sport
                 Organization (PASO) and the status of medalist sport at the Pan
                 American Games

                 The IFBB currently has 196 affiliated   Championships to the major TV   officials, delegates, fans and
                 nations and is one of the largest and   companies worldwide.        enthusiasts the excellent
                 most active international sport   • receives 15 million   performance of our athletes.
                 federations in the world.           hits each month from over 191   •  Provided with a very impressing
                   The IFBB:                         countries around the world.     mobile devices and supported by
                                                   •  IFBB is signatory of the WADA   a very successful and professional
                   •  Holds competitions in the eleven   Code, already in full compliance   team, it is a very ambitious area of
                     following competitive sports:   with the latest 2015 World Anti-  expansion from which we have
                     men’s bodybuilding, men’s classic   Doping Agency Code.         great expectations.
                     bodybuilding, men’s fitness,   •  IFBB TV is a themed online   •  The hallmark of the IFBB TV
                     men’s physique, women’s         channel available in the IFBB   channel is the variety, quantity and
                     physique, women’s body-fitness,   website and as well in YouTube.   above all quality of the contents,
                     women’s bikini fitness, women’s   targeting followers and fans of   constantly renewed and which will
                     fitness, mixed pairs, children   bodybuilding, fitness and healthy   be creating a powerful library, with
                     fitness, men’s wheelchair       living in general, with self-   detailed control of the audiences.
                     bodybuilding.                   produced content. Is a television   •  As the worldwide authority on
                   •  Organizes more than 2,000 local,   channel where the viewer    weight training and sport
                     national, regional, continental and   chooses what to watch, when and   nutrition, the IFBB has an
                     world championships each year.  where to see (computer, tablet,   extensive Educational Course
                   •  According to the statistics, over   smartphone, social networking)  Program that provides qualified
                     130 million people regularly train   •  Though IFBB TV Channel, the   certification to Bodybuilding,
                     in gyms and fitness centres on six   most relevant events and   Fitness, Health and Sport related
                     continents.                     championships are being now     individuals from a variety of
                   •  Supplies the videos from its   screaming retransmitted, sharing   academic and professional
                     World and major Continental     with the millions of athletes,   backgrounds.

                  6   2016/2017  BOOK  OF  THE  YEAR
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