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                                                                         2020 IFBB INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS

                      •  Association of African Sport   opportunity for newcomers to    •  Master Men’s Bodybuilding
                        Confederations (AASC)        participate internationally, win      60 years & over
                      •  Global Association of       awards and develop their sport     •  Master Men’s Physique 50
                        International Sports         career.                               years & over
                        Federations (GAISF)
                      •  International World Games   CHANGING OF THE NAMES            IFBB ANTHEM
                        Association (IWGA)           Instead of “Wellness Fitness” and   Taking into account the
                      •  Alliance of Independent     “Bikini Fitness” a shorter version   worldwide activity of our
                        Recognized Members of        of names: “Wellness” and “Bikini”   Federation and its prestige, it’s
                        Sport (AIMS)                 may be used on a daily basis.    time to create an anthem that
                      •  International University      Following the introduction of   will identify the IFBB. The
                        Sports Federation (FISU).    a new fitness division, the precise   anthem would be played at the
                                                     names of the choreographic       opening of the international
                      In his interview for AIPS,     fitness sports will be: “Acrobatic   events. The Congress approved
                    President Santonja said – “The   Fitness” and “Artistic Fitness”.  this idea and agreed to a budget
                    IFBB is present in a large and                                    of up to EUR €5000 paid to the
                    growing number of regional Olympic   CROSSOVERS                   composer.
                    cycle programs and we have       This decision has been awaiting
                    commitments that we assume and   for years. Athletes very often   NEW IFBB ANTI-DOPING RULES
                    fulfill.” The final statement of this   declared their willingness to   Due to the amendments to the
                    interview was – “The IFBB is     participate in more than one     WADA Code, IFBB Anti-Doping
                    following established guidelines in   category at the same contest.   Commission prepared and
                    the direction of full Olympic    And finally, the Congress opened   negotiated with WADA the
                    recognition”. In the other       to them this possibility. With   updated IFBB Anti-Doping Code,
                    interview for the AIPS Magazine,   four so called “bodybuilding”   that was approved by WADA and
                    Dr. Santonja said – “… our athletes,   divisions in the sport program:   entered into force on January
                    our sport and healthy lifestyle that   Games Classic Bodybuilding,   01st, 2021. The text of this
                    is achieved, deserves full Olympic   Classic Bodybuilding, Men’s   updated IFBB Anti-Doping Rules
                    recognition. We are going to make it   Classic Physique and       was attached to the Congress
                    happen. I’m sure we are going to   Bodybuilding, athletes may     materials.
                    have good news soon.” Nothing to   compete in all of them at the
                    add!                             same contest. Later on, IFBB     LOCATION OF THE WORLD
                                                     opened even more possibilities   CHAMPIONSHIPS
                    NEW SPORT DIVISION:              of crossovers: Men’s Fitness –   The Congress approved the
                    BEGINNERS                        Men’s Physique; Women’s          following location of the World
                    A special type of contests,      Acrobatic Fitness – Women’s      Championships:
                    devoted for beginners, have been   Bodyfitness; Women’s Artistic
                    held by many National            Fitness – Women’s Bikini –         •  2021 World Fitness
                    Federations for a long time. Now,   Women’s Fit-Model; Women’s         Championships: Republic of
                    beginners enter the international   Wellness – Women’s Fit-Model.      Korea (Yeongju)
                    stages. The Congress approved                                       •  2021 World Children
                    this division, which may be      NEW EVENT AND CATEGORIES              Fitness Championships:
                    included in the IFBB             The next important Congress           Serbia (Cacak)
                    international events, with the   decision: organization of the      •  2021 World Bodybuilding
                    perspective to have Continental   IFBB World Fitness Cup,              Championships: China
                    and World Championships. The     included Junior and Senior            (Xi’an)
                    basic concept is that the        categories. The first, 2021 World
                    beginners must be recommended    Fitness Cup, will be a part of the   Now we know that this program
                    by their National Federations and   2021 International Fitness Show   couldn’t be followed due to the
                    may participate only in the      to be held at the Dubai Studio   Covid-19 epidemic and still existed
                    beginner’s categories from the   City, UAE, on December 09th      restrictions. Only the World
                    beginning of the year (their first   -11th.                       Children Fitness Championships
                    contest) to the end of the year. By   The Congress also approved   were held according to the above
                    this, IFBB created the           two new Masters categories:      plan, in Serbia.

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