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                               2020 IFBB ANNUAL


                    Despite the Covid-19 worldwide epidemy IFBB was working and
                   effective! Not so many international sport federations organized
                   their world championships and meetings in these circumstances.

                       he worldwide lockdowns     approved: Gabon and              National Olympic Committees
                       and other sharp            Kyrgyzstan.                      from Central America and
                 T restrictions ordered by          After that, IFBB President, Dr.   Caribbean region. With this
                 governments and countries due    Rafael Santonja, delivered his   recognition, Bodybuilding &
                 to the epidemiological           annual report, full of short news   Fitness will be included in the
                 circumstances, caused many       showing our President’s          Sport Program of the Central
                 National Federations to cancel   international activity. In the   American and Caribbean Games.
                 their participation in the       passing year (2020) IFBB has been   This creates a fantastic
                 Congress as well as in the World   recognized by two new important   opportunity for our athletes from
                 Championships. But those, who    international sport bodies:      30+ countries to participate in
                 could come, participated in the                                   this important international
                 very interesting and productive    •  INTERNATIONAL               Olympic-style event!
                 Congress, which approved a            UNIVERSITY SPORT              With this two new
                 couple of important amendments        FEDERATION (FISU)           recognitions, IFBB is currently
                 to the IFBB Rules regarding        •  CENTRAL AMERICAN &          recognized by the following
                 competition, anti-doping and          CARIBBEAN SPORTS            international sport bodies:
                 other matters. Taking into            ORGANIZATION (CACSO)
                 account the Covid-19 pandemic,                                      •  Olympic Council of Asia
                 we should be aware that 2020       FISU currently has 174              (OCA)
                 Congress and World               member-countries from 5            •  Pan-American Sport
                 Championships could happen       continents and their                  Organization (PASO)
                 only due to the extremely        international competitions         •  Central American &
                 effective activity and effort of   include over 50 sports. Their       Caribbean Sports
                 President Santonja, his staff and   main events are: World             Organization (CACSO)
                 the Spanish Federation who       University Games and World         •  Central American Sports
                 elaborated a detailed, step by   University Championships held         Organization (ORDECA)
                 step procedure of actions from   every two years. From now, IFBB    •  South American Sport
                 the arrival, through competition   sports may be included in these     Organization (ODESUR)
                 up to departures of national     events. Also IFBB member-          •  Bolivarian Sport
                 teams, which had to be approved   countries may organize their         Organization (ODEBO)
                 by the Spanish Sanitary          University National                •  Association of National
                 Authorities. Without this        Championships, followed by            Olympic Committees of
                 approval, no championships       Continental and World University      Africa (ANOCA)
                 could be held. Thank you!        Championships. IFBB recognition    •  Oceania National Olympic
                   As usual, at the beginning, the   by FISU is also an important step   Committees Organization
                 Congress adopted the Minutes of   toward the IOC recognition.          (ONOC)
                 the previous Congress (2019)       CASCO (in Spanish:               •  Association of Pan-
                 and it passed smoothly. Then,    ODECABE) is a regional sports         American Sport
                 two new IFBB members were        federation bringing together 31       Confederations (ACODEPA)

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