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                                                                    lThe IFBB World Master Championships are always an
                                                                    inspiration to athletes, officials, enthusiasts, and society in
                                                                    general, being the showcase of one of the most magic and
                                                                    impressive effects of our sport.
                                                                      Numerous scientific researches already proved the great
                                                                    efficiency of fitness training and nutrition to prevent and /
                                                                    or reverse this process. Recent studies have even shown
                                                                    that strength training can cause functional reversal of aging
                                                                    at the molecular level, “repairing” very poorly functioning
                                                                    genes of elder people.
                                                                      Nothing else in human history has shown the similar
                                                                    effect! The best visual example of it, are our athletes over
                                                                    60 and plus years old, and their healthy muscular bodies.
                                                                      Toshisuke Kanazawa, from Japan, at his 83 years old,
                                                                    and Rafael Vera, from Spain, at his 76 years old, are vivid
                                                                    examples of bodybuilding as the ideal antiaging and
                                                                    healthy lifestyle.

                                                     PROF. MAURICIO DE ARRUDA,

                                                     NEW ICSSPE EXECUTIVE MEMBER

                                                     lProfessor Mauricio Arruda de Campos, head of the IFBB Anti-Doping area,
                                                     was elected Executive Member of the Development Committee of the
                                                     International Council of Sport Sciences and Physical Education (ICSSPE). This
                                                     organization, belonging to the Unesco and based in Berlin (Germany), is
                                                     dedicated to education in sports.
                                                        This appointment represents a great endorsement of the IFBB’s
                                                     educational activity and a new step forward in the professional career of Prof.
                                                     Mauricio De Arruda who is also the director of the IFBB International
                                                     Academy from his residence in Batatais (Sao Paulo, Brazil).

                                                                                                 Prof. Mauricio de
                                                                                                 Arruda, director of
                                                                                                 the IFBB Academy,
                                                                                                 has been elected
                                                                                                 member of the
                                                                                                 Council of Sport
                                                                                                 Science &
                                                                                                 Physical Education.
                 President Santonja’s trusted person in
                 educational tasks, Prof. Mauricio de Arruda,
                 maintains his commitment and dedication to
                 the IFBB.

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