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                 EL SALVADOR, HOST OF
                 THE “SPORTS LEADERSHIP

                 CONFERENCE,” IN WHICH
                 THE IFBB PLAYED AN

                 IMPORTANT ROLE

                 lPresident Santonja participated in the 2nd
                 Conference on Sports Leadership, at the end
                 of September, organized by the Salvadoran
                 Olympic Committee chaired by Mr. Eduardo
                   Ing. Neven Ilic, President of Panam Sports,
                 as well as other important sports leaders,                                         A snapshot of
                 among them the President of the Salvadorian                                        the conference,
                 Federation of Bodybuilding, Mr. Fabrizzio                                          which was held
                 Hernández, participated in this important                                          digitally, with
                 conference, in which Bodybuilding and Fitness                                      the prominent
                 had a prominent role. As it happens, the                                           presence of
                 Salvadoran Federation that Mr. Hernández                                           Dr. Rafael
                 presides made quite an impression during the                                       Santonja and
                 last Pan American Games in Lima 2019,                                              the President of
                 achieving 2 gold medals in the disciplines of                                      Panam Sports,
                 Classic Bodybuilding and Fitness.                                                  Eng. Neven Ilic.

                 PARALLEL PATHS IN SYRIA.

                 lThe Syrian Bodybuilding Federation chaired by Mr.
                 Manar Haikal is working hard towards the appointment
                 of the next 2021 Arab Championships that will take
                 place in Damascus. For this reason, Dr. Adel Fahim El
                 Sayed, Executive Assistant to Dr. Santonja in the IFBB
                 and President of the Arab Bodybuilding Federation,
                 visited the Syrian capital where he met with local
                 officials and with the President of the Syrian Olympic
                 Committee, Mr. Firas Hashim Moualla, to advance
                 details on the celebration of the event.
                   Dr. Adel Fahim and President Firas Hashim, who
                 already had a previous meeting in March, during which
                 the Olympic leader received the IFBB Distinguished
                 Service Award, offered a press conference in which they
                 revealed the details of this important sporting event for
                 the Arab countries.                                                            Dr. Adel Fahim El
                                                                                                Sayed presented the
                                                                                                President of the
                                                                                                Syrian Olympic
                                                                                                Committee with the
                                                                                                IFBB Distinguished
                                                                                                Service Award
                                                                                                during a previous
                                                                                                meeting in
                    An image of the
                  press conference of
                  the presentation of
                      the 2021 Arab
                 which will be held in
                        Syria. The
                    conference was
                    attended by the
                    President of the
                     Syrian Olympic
                 Committee, Mr. Firas
                    Hashim Moualla.

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