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                 THE FIVE PILLARS OF                                                            President Santonja
                                                                                                during his address at
                  BODYBUILDING AS A                                                             the 83rd AIPS
                                                                                                Congress, which took
                                                                                                place in Budapest,
                 SPORTS DISCIPLINE,                                                             where he spoke
                                                                                                about the values of
                      PRESENT AT THE                                                            Bodybuilding as a
                                                                                                sports discipline, and
                       INTERNATIONAL                                                            its unstoppable
                                                                                                progress into
                                                                                                modern society.
                    CONGRESS OF THE
                        SPORTS PRESS


                 lPresident Santonja played a   ever-increasing integration of   means is that Bodybuilding   to arrange: events can be
                 leading role at the 83rd   Bodybuilding into modern   is a sports discipline that   held in theatres,
                 Congress of the International   society:           can be practiced nearly   auditoriums, sports facilities
                 Sports Press Association (AIPS)                    anywhere on the planet.    of all kinds, and even on
                 in Budapest (Hungary), acting   •  Gender equality. Women   •  Battle against doping.   the beach.
                 as a co-host at the best young   have joined this sport in a   Working side-by-side with   •  Experience. Inspired by
                 journalists of the year awards   firm and decisive manner.   the WADA, the IFBB has   the Olympic heroes,
                 ceremony.                 Right now, the number of   made a compromise to   Bodybuilding has not
                   During his address to the   sports licenses requested   keep the sport clean.   ceased to evolve since the
                 journalists present during the   by women has equalled   Cleanness in Bodybuilding   creation of the IFBB in
                 Congress, Dr. Santonja    that of men.             is what enables the     1946. These days, it is a
                 defended the values of   •  Popularity. There are over   impressive longevity of   sports discipline included
                 Bodybuilding as a sports   300,000 gym facilities   many of our performers.    into an increasing number
                 discipline and lifestyle choice   spread over the five   •  Sustainability.   of important sports
                 for millions of young people   continents, without taking   Bodybuilding doesn’t come   events, such as the recent
                 worldwide. The IFBB President   into account hotels,   with any special    2019 Pan American
                 announced five pillars that   universities and military   requirements that make the   Games held in Lima
                 contribute to strengthen the   installations. What this   sport expensive or difficult   (Peru).

                 During his presence in Budapest, President Santonja participated together with the president of AIPS, Mr. Gianni Merlo and the Secretary-
                 General of the International Federation of University Sports, Mr. Eric Saintrond; in the delivery of the awards to the most outstanding sports
                 journalists of the year.

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