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                    IFBB RECOGNISED BY           lThe IFBB has been recognized by the International University Sports Federation (FISU),
                                                 a new meaningful landmark in the overall frame of recognitions already held by IFBB.
                    THE INTERNATIONAL            the role and reach of university sport worldwide, organizing world-class sports and
                                                    The International University Sports Federation (FISU), is the key driver in expanding
                    UNIVERSITY SPORTS            educational events for university students, being the IFBB very proud to have become
                                                 one more of his members.
                                                    The FISU program is open to all university students and athletes between the ages of
                    FEDERATION (FISU)            17 and 25 that will be eligible to participate at the World University Championships.
                                                    At first stage, for the 2021 season, the IFBB has organized National University
                                                 Championships in five to six countries per continent.
                                                    Being this first step already accomplished, in 2022, IFBB will host its Continental
                                                 University Championships.
                                                    Once there are established yearly at least three continental University
                                                 Championships, IFBB will hold its World Bodybuilding and Fitness University
                                                 Championships, expected for 2023.

                                                                        GRAL. ESTRADA, IFBB EXECUTIVE

                                                                        COUNCIL MEMBER, ELECTED AS

                                                                        EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEMBER OF

                                                                        lGeneral Santiago Estrada, General Secretary of the
                                                                        Nicaraguan Olympic Committee, and Executive
                                                                        Member of the IFBB, has been elected Executive
                                                                        Council Member of the Panamerican Sports
                                                                          This meaningful achievement evidence the brilliant
                                                                        services to sports and merits of Gral. Estrada.
                                                                          A task full of responsibilities in which we are sure
                                                                        that General Estrada will contribute to the goals of
                                                                        the Olympic ideals, and to the progression of the
                                                                        sport, with his well known diplomatic and leadership

                                                                       GIANNI MERLO, PRESIDENT OF THE

                                                                       INTERNATIONAL SPORTS PRESS
                                                                       ASSOCIATION (AIPS), AWARDED

                                                                       WITH THE IFBB MEDAL OF HONOUR

                                                                               lGianni Merlo, President of the
                                                                               International Sports Press Association
                                                                               (AIPS), was awarded the IFBB Medal of
                                                                               Honour during the latest AIPS World
                                                                               Congress,  in Budapest.
                                                                                 AIPS is the peak professional body
                                                                       representing the international sports media, joined by
                                                                       160 national organizations and includes over 10,000 of
                                                                       today’s sports journalists.
                                                                         This prestigious press body has always provided
                                                                       great support towards the sports of Bodybuilding and

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