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                    l Founded on August 11, 1987,
                    the Russian Federation of
                    Bodybuilding & Fitness
                    (FBBR), currently chaired by Mr.
                    Alexander Vizhnevskiy, has
                    reached its 34th anniversary and is
                    consolidated as the largest
                    European national federation in
                    number of sports licenses and
                      Bodybuilding and Fitness
                    achieved their recognition in
                    Russia back in the times of the
                    USSR, thanks to its Athletics
                    Federation and the work of then
                    IFBB President Mr. Ben Weider
                    and his, at that time, Executive
                    Assistant, Dr. Rafael Santonja, and
                    through the collaboration of
                    officials such as Mr. Vladimir
                    Dubinin and Mr. Eugene Koltun,
                    seen in the images above, now
                    part of the history of this sport in
                    the country.

                                                                                                         The current
                                                                                                      president of the
                                                                                                     FBBR, Alexander
                                                                                                     Vizhnevskiy, was
                                                                                                     awarded the IFBB
                                                                                                    Gold Medal during
                      Athletics and                                                                 the 2021 European
                       Bodybuilding                                                                Championships held
                     walking side by                                                                 in Santa Susanna
                    side in the USSR                                                                        (Spain).
                           in 1987.

                    A historical image of the two IFBB Presidents, Mr. Ben Weider   Another historical image of one of the first international
                    and Dr. Rafael Santonja, in Saint Petersburg, reaffirming the   competitions held in Russia (then the USSR), with the presence of
                    integration of the Russian Federation, back then chaired by   IFBB presidents Ben Weider and Rafael Santonja, accompanied by
                    Mr. Vladimir Dubinin (crouching), into the IFBB.  historical officials like Vladimir Dubinin or Eugene Koltun.

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