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                 SERBIAN SPORTS AUTHORITIES                                                         The president
                                                                                                    of the
                 CONTINUE TO SUPPORT                                                                SSBBFBFA, Mr.
                                                                                                    Goran Ivanovic,
                                                                                                    together with
                 CHILDREN’S FITNESS                                                                 the
                                                                                                    of the Serbian
                                                                                                    Ministry of
                 lSince the very start of the children’s fitness disciplines, the                   Sports, Ms.
                 Serbian Federation (SSBBFBFA) chaired by Mr. Goran Ivanovic has                    Snezana Zugic.
                 played a very prominent role as host of the most important                         Ms. Zugic was
                 international events. First in Novi Sad and currently in Cacak, in                 presented a
                 both cases the SSBBFBFA has been able to propose a very                            distinction on
                                                                                                    behalf of the
                 interesting sports and educational project for children from 7 to                  IFBB.
                 15 years of age, and has always had the support of the Serbian
                 Ministry of Sports.
                   The recent edition of the IFBB World Children Fitness
                 Championships held in Cacak was attended by local and state
                 authorities, both very interested in promoting sports for new
                 generations of athletes.
                                                                                                    State and local
                                                                                                    supported the
                                                                                                    Federation of
                                                                                                    Serbia in the
                                                                                                    recent IFBB
                                                                                                    World Children’s




                        SHOW ONE

                    OF THE MOST

                  IFBB EVENTS IN


                 lOrganized by promoter Denis Kiyutsin   season, as well as companies and   During more than 8 hours, the
                 under the supervision of Russian   Eastern sponsors.             audience of a crowded venue
                 Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation,   Over 15.000 people visited the   supported athletes in disciplines as Fit
                 chaired by Alexander Vizhnevsky; the   Siberian Power Show & Expo   Model, Bikini (Junior & Master), Men´s
                 IFBB Siberian Power Show 2021    celebrated in Krasnoyarsk enjoying the   & Women´s Physique, Bodyfitness,
                 celebrated in Krasnoyarsk (Russia),   multiple sports activities celebrated at   Wellness, Classic Bodybuilding, Classic
                 opened the IFBB season in Europe.  the functional Siberia International &   Physique and Bodybuilding (Junior &
                   The Siberian Power Show, an already   Bussiness Center.        Master).
                 fully consolidated and renowned event,   This IFBB competition Is one of the   A fantastic stage, built with 8
                 reached this year its 6th edition, being   main events in the IFBB Calendar, with   modern led-screen and professional
                 one of the most popular events for   a fantastic level of competitors from   sound; was the witness of the
                 athletes, in the beginning of the   the former USSR and the Middle East.   competition

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