Page 128 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 128


                            CLASSIC 2022                                               A S S I C

                                                                                    DUBAI MUSCLE SHOW

                                  Overall Men’s                        Khalid alnaqbi,
                                   Physique                             received the
                                                                        overall prize
                                   (United Arab                           from H.H.
                                   Emirates).                          shaik abdullah
                                                                        Bin Hamad al
                                                                                         complete pHoto

        the federatiOn           different female and male   of the female athletes was
        Of the united            disciplines.              carried out and in the
        araB emirates of            Athletes from 37 IFBB   afternoon the athletes of the
        Bodybuilding and Fitness   member countries were   Mens Physique and Muscular
        organized the DUBAI      present at the event, among   Mens Physique disciplines
        MUSCLE CLASSIC, a        which the presence of athletes   were registered. On Thursday   attracted the attention of
        new edition of this already   from the United States of   the bulk of the Bodybuilding,   hundreds of bodybuilding
        emblematic championship   America, Nigeria, Sri Lanka,   classic Physique and Classic   fans, yearning to witness the
        during the last weekend of   Bangladesh, Cameroon, India,   Bodybuilding competitors   show and cheer on all the
        October. The championship   Israel, Kenya and Liberia   were registered.    participating athletes.
        was held within the      stood out.                  The Dubai Exhibition     In the disciplines on Friday
        framework of the FITNESS    The Emirates federation   Centre drew the attention of   afternoon, the female athletes
        Expo that hosted more than   arranged for an orderly   the entire fitness world this   were the stars of the event.
        600 competitors in the   and efficient registration of   weekend. More than 600   The bikini fitness, bikini
                                 athletes. Thus, on Wednesday   competitors were gathered,   wellness and bodyfitness
                                 morning the registration   and the championship    disciplines attracted
                                                                                    everyone’s attention. With a
                                                                                    high quality of competitors
                                                                                    and a high participation
                                                                                    of almost 60 competitors,
                                                                                    the athlete from Ukraine
                                                                                    Kateryna Spievakova
                                                                                    prevailed in the Master and
                                                                                    Senior Bikini disciplines
                                                                                    and managed to become the
                                                                                    OVERALL Winner in that
                                                                                      In the Bodyfitness
                                                                                    discipline, the competitor
                                                                                    from Bosnia & Herzegovina
                                                                                    Bojana Zec won gold in the
                                                                                    Senior and Master classes.
                                                   Mohammad Khazaei
                                                  Overall Classic Bodybuilding (Iran)  Saturday was the day for
                                                                                    bodybuilding and all of its

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