Page 129 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 129

divisions. The fame of the   ended with Bodybuilding and
            Persian bodybuilders did not   the proclamation of the overall
            leave anyone indifferent ,and   winner, also from Iran, Mehdi
            the general quality among   Jaberinezhad, thus making the
            the participants was high.   Iranian delegation the most
            Although the local athletes   winning team of the event.
            from the Emirates stood out,   Sunday began with the largest            Mehdi Jaberinezhad
            countries such as Iraq, Egypt   disciplines in number of                 Overall Bodybuilding (Iran).
            and Iran also took podiums in   participants: mens physique
            all weight classes.      and muscular mens
               In the Classic Bodybuilding   physique.
            discipline, Iran’s competitor   We would like
            Mohammad Khazaei won the   to highlight the
            gold medal in his class and   athlete from Liberia
            was also proclaimed overall   Elijah Tokpan,
            champion of the division. In   who displayed a
            the classic Physique discipline,   spectacular physique
            the athlete of Iranian origin,   within the standards
            Hamid Mehrabani, lifted   applied by the
            the overall trophy. The night   regulations in

                                                                                         Kateryna Spievakova
                                                                                           Overall Bikini (Ukraine).

                                                                                the Mens Physique discipline. He won
                                                                                his class, up to 170 cm, but he did not
                                                                                conquer the overall title, which went to
                                                                                the member of the United Arab Emirates
                                                                                team Khalid Alnaqbi, who received the
                                                                                overall prize from H.H. Shaik Abdullah
                                                                                Bin Hamad Al Sharqi who was present
                                                                                during the three days of the event.
                                                                                  In muscular men`s, the Iraqi Hhmood
                                                                                Al Azzami was the overall winner.

                           Bojana Zec
                    Overall Bodyfitness (Bosnia&herzegovina).

                                                                                      Overall Classic
                                                                                     Physique (Iran).

                             Hhmood Al Azzami
                          Overall Muscular Men’s Physique (Irak).

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