Page 133 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 133

UAE residents. In under 90kg
         Jacques Olivier Somon was first,
         representing UAE as a resident,
         Algeria’s Haron Belaziz was second
         closely followed by Syrian Hasan
         Hmade Alkharsan. In up to 95, the
         international champion from Kosovo
         Granit Kuleta took the victory
         against two giants of this class,
         Ahmed Ibrahim Mahmoud from Egypt
         and Sokombai Roland Belang from
         the Emirates. In the heavyweights,
         the champion was the Iranian
         Pourya Kamani, who was clearly the
         best over Mahmoud Mossad Elmalky,
         a resident of the UAE, and the
         Egyptian Ahmed Salah, second and                                         p master Bodybuilding 40-49 years.
         third.                       p Bodybuilding junior.
           In Junior Bodybuilding, the                             master + 50 years.q
         Mexican Edson Sanchez did a
         double, although we would like to
         highlight the second classified, the   good structure, crystalline
         Indian Mansoor Shah, who     definition and an excellent poser,
         presented a fabulous physique that   which gave him both gold and the
         perhaps needs more size in the   Overall of this discipline. Silver
         lower body to match the excellent   medal was for Ehsanfar Shidrokh
         upper body. As for Masters, the   from Iran and bronze for Shabeel
         Saudi Hussain Hassan Al Hamadi   Parambil, resident of the UAE. In the
         won from 40 to 49 years and the   tall class, the Iranian Morteza
         Iranian Hamid Abtahi for more than   Shofdei won with a close victory
         50 years.                    against Ahmed Mohamed Elagouz,
           In Classic Bodybuilding, short   runner-up, and Rashid Abdalla Al
         class Abdulrahman Obaid Alkhateri   Sharari, third, both residents of the
         from UAE presented a perfect   UAE. In the Classic Bodybuilding
         physique for the class,      Masters, local athlete Alex Agyiri
         compensated to the millimetre,   clearly won this class.

                                                         Bodybuilding +
                                                            175 cm.u

         p classic Bodybuilding up to 175 cm.

                                                            oBaId alKHaterI
                                                            Overall Men’s Classic
         p classic Bodybuilding master.

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