Page 131 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 131

p men’s physique up to 170 cm.                p men’s physique up to 173 cm.

                                                       complete pHoto

            p men’s physique up to 176 cm.                            p men’s physique + 176 cm.

           p men’s physique junior.      p men’s physique 40-44 years.  p muscular men’s physique.

            Wedathantrige. In the Medium class
            there was more general quality and the
            UAE resident athlete Christian Leal won
            with an excellent physique, with very
            good legs and volume in general,
            balanced and only lacking more
            muscular rippedness; runner-up was
            Adnan Obaid Al Blooshi and third Emad
            Al Blooshi, both from the UAE. In the tall
            class, the Syrian Hasan Hmade
            Alkharsan was the fair winner against
            the Egyptian Mohamed Osama
            Mohamed and the UAE resident
            Mohammad Hazim Almadani, second
            and third respectively. The Overall was                                    IsHaQ
            clearly for Crsitian Leal with his great                                 YoUsUf al
            physique, large and well-proportioned.                                     farsI
              In Muscular Men’s Physique, the
            less muscular competitors but with                                        (oman)
            better condition, which is what truly                                    Overall Men’s
            distinguishes the Men’s Physique                                          Physique
            discipline, where the big winners.
            Rabee Salman Al Zaabi from UAE
            defeated the Egyptian Ahmed Samir
            Abdelgawad, third was Umedzhon
            Gafarov, an Uzbek residing in the UAE.

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