Page 134 - BOOK OF THE YEAR 22-23
P. 134

ValerIIa leBaKINa
                                                    (IfBB flag)
                                                   Overall Fit Model

                                            In the female disciplines, there was a
                                          large representation that continues to
                                          grow year after year, something
                                          unthinkable until very recently in a place
                                          like this, where female sports wasn’t
                                          allowed by law. Bodybuilding and fitness
                                          thus help break down barriers to female
                                          participation, something that undoubtedly
                       p fitness artístico.  makes our sport very positive. In Artistic
                                          Fitness, the Finnish Marika Hongisto gave a
                                          good idea of the quality of this discipline
                                          and the spectacularity of the routines. A
                                          discipline that is very popular in the   p fit model up to 163 cm.
                                          Emirates is female Fit Model, and in the
                                          short class Vitallia Vinogradova was the
                                          champion, Natalia Zatonskikh was second
                                          and the representative of the UAE as a
                                          resident Snizhana Yefimenko, third. In the
                                          tall class, Valeriia Lebakina’s mixture of
                                          youth, beauty and physical tonicity earned
                                          her gold and the overall title, while Karina
                                          Alekseeva was second and UAE resident
                                          Joanna Ewa Burgess third. In Bodyfitness,
                                          the excellent athlete Inna Makarova, a local
                                          resident, gave an excellent image of what
                                          Bodyfitness is with a sconditionthat
                                          highlights the physical structure,
                                          impressive legs, thin waist and perfect
                                          shoulders for the discipline, a great
                                          representative, though it wasn’t easy
                                          because the second, Natalia Poluektova,
                                          showed an impeccable condition, great
                                          muscular balance and good posing.  She
                                          was also the Master champion, whereas
                                          the UAE resident athlete Dia Fathy
                                          Abdelfattah was third.
                                            In wellness there was a little less
                                          represeantaiton, with only two athletes,
                                          Mai Mosleh Ahmed Said, a local resident,
                                          and Tetiana Degachi who was second.  p Bodyfitness.
        p fit model + 163 cm.

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