P. 54

The super food

             Due to its multiple              Whether its Zespri    the healthiest fruits at   muscle recovery in
             nutrients, fruit is one of       Green variety, with   any age.               those who exercise,
                                                                       Its high fibre content,
             the foods that should not        green flesh and an    which helps promote    and provides folic
                                              intense flavour with
                                                                                           acid to the body, an
             be missing from our daily        a touch of acidity, or   intestinal transit, stands   important element in
             diet. Among the great            Zespri SunGold, with   out. Specifically, 3   the formation of cells, as
             variety we find on the           yellow flesh and an   grams for every 100    well as promoting the
             market, there is one fruit       intense sweet and     grams of Zespri Green   proper development of
             that stands out above the        tropical flavour, the kiwi   and 1.4 grams for the   the foetus.
                                                                                             We must also add
             rest: the kiwi.                  differs from other fruits   same amount of Zespri   that they have a low
                                              by being an all-in-one
                                                                    SunGold. It also has a
                                              product, as it contains   lot of Vitamin C (161.3   glycemic index, ideal
                                              multiple nutrients and   mg per 100 grams of   for eating daily and
                                              in large quantities,   Zespri SunGold - three   suitable for diabetics,
                                              which makes it one of   times as much as an   and a nutritional
                                                                    orange - and 85.1 mg   composition that is
                                                                    per 100 grams of the   excellent for those who
                                                                    Zespri Green variety),   are following a weight
                                                                    which helps increase   loss programme.
                                                                    vitality, strengthens the   For all these
                                                                    immunological system   nutritional qualities,
                                                                    and maintains good     kiwis, in any of their
                                                                    skin health.           varieties, cannot be
                                                                       In addition, kiwis are   missing from your
                                                                    a source of potassium,   shopping basket as
                                                                    which contributes to   part of a varied and
                                                                                           balanced diet for the
                                                                                           whole family.

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