IFBB Physique America announced John Rowley as Chairman of North & South Carolina. John immediately named Mitchell Wells as his Co-Chairman to help handle the immense area, as he stated: “With over 85,000 square miles in North & South Carolina, Mitchell and I will be looking for additional Promoters to cultivate IFBB Physique America in the Carolinas. This is an incredible and tremendous opportunity and our goal is to make IFBB Physique America-Carolinas as the top contest area, in the US

The CEO/President of IFBB Physique America, Mr. Wayne S. DeMilia highlighted the capacity of John Rowley to promote Bodybuilding and Fitness, in his State: “John is the perfect for this position with his vast experience in the business and fitness world. A former gym owner, real estate executive, author and motivational speaker, John will forge his way to conquest and success. He will bring an executive proficiency and expertise to IFBB Physique America as we build a team to take the “World of Fitness” from the “dark ages” to the forefront of performance, presentation and marketing in the mainstream sports arena.

IFBB conveys John Rowley and Mitchell Wells the best wishes in this challenging project for North & South Carolina.