Working over the fluent institutional relationship between IFBB and the Polish Olympic Committee (PKO – Polski Komitet Olimpijski), President Santonja visited PKO Headquarters in Warsaw this week, joined by Mr. Pawel Filleborn (IFBB Judges Committee chairman and president of the Polish Bodybuilding & Fitness Federation, PZKF).
The meeting with PKO president, Mr. Andrzej Kraśnicki; General Secretary, Mr. Adam Krzesiński and Executive Board Member, Mr. Janusz Kochan; was a good opportunity to reinforce links of cooperation, between IFBB and PKO, at national and continental level.
Established in 1919, PKO has been developing multidimensional activities propagating sport and organizing the participation of the Polish Olympic Team at the Olympic Games, promoting Olympism. During this almost 100 years, PKO has been enjoying a high level of social esteem, in Poland: President Krasnicki is a former international handball player and now, as well, the president of the Handball Polish Federation beside Executive Board Member of the European Olympic Committees (EOC). Also international athlete, PKO General Secretary, Mr. Adam Krzesinski, is double olympic medalist in Fencing, in 1992 and 1996 Summer Olympics Games.
In this official meeting was present, as well, Mr. Janusz Kochan, -member of the PKO Executive Board- who attended the recent 2016 IFBB World Fitness Championships, celebrated in Bialystok; awarding the overall winner in Women´s Fitness, beside President Santonja.
Picture: (Left to right) Mr. Janusz Kochan (PKO Executive Member), Mr. Andrzej Kraśnicki (PKO President) Dr. Rafael Santonja (IFBB President), Mr. Pawel Filleborn (PZKF) and Mr. Adam Krzesiński (PKO General Secretary).