P. 6



                                                                          EWA: When did you first start
                                                                          participating in sport?
                                                                          GU DIAN: My first competition was in
                                                                          July 2018 in Beijing for a CBBA national
                                                                          competition. While training with my
                                                                          coach, he suggested, ‘Why not prepare for a
                                                                          competition?’ The competition was only two
                                                                          months away. I agreed right away because I
                                                                          enjoy challenging myself. Initially, I thought I
                                                                          was going to compete in Men’s Physique, but
                                                                          then my coach told me about a new category
                                                                          called Men’s Fit Model.
                                                                            Back then, the Men’s Fit Model category
                                                                          stage was a bit chaotic. No one knew how to
                                                                          pose or dress up in suits, and there was almost
                                                                          no information available on the internet.
                                                                          Interestingly, many athletes were striking
                                                                          Men’s Physique poses while dressed in a full
                                                                          suit and tie. My agent made comments about
                                                                          how bodybuilders don’t know much about
                                                                          fashion or how to wear a suit properly. At
                                                                          that moment, I made a decision: I would
            “                                                             not to allow stereotypical jokes about athletes.
                                                                          put in a lot of effort to prepare for the next
                                                                          competition three months later, determined

                                                                          After working hard to prepare for the
                                                                          competition, the athletes deserved the respect
                                                                          that came with an established category.
                                                                            In October 2018, I won my first national
                                                                          championship for Men’s Fit Model, though
             The most challenging
                                                                          athletes, and the category itself was still very
             aspect of preparing for
             competitions is mental                                       it was still an open category with only nine
                                                                          EWA: Who were your early influences
             health. Initially, I mainly                                  or role models in the field?
             focused on training                                          GU DIAN: I would say my biggest influence
                                                                          was my dad. Growing up and seeing the
             and meal preparation,                                        fitness magazines he brought back from
                                                                          Europe and having many chances to meet with
             prioritizing my physical                                     bodybuilders due to his work really allowed
             condition. However, after                                    me to admire the human body as a child. I
                                                                          remember I wanted to look like the people in
             five years in the category,                                  the magazine as a kid. I could even say I was a
             I’ve learned that preparing                                  bit jealous of them.

             for a competition starts by                                  EWA: What would you consider to be
                                                                          the highlight of your career so far?
             looking inside first. Finding                                GU DIAN: The highlight would definitely be
             peace and joy within                                         the time I won the championship for the 1st
                                                                          IFBB Fit-Model World Championship in Riga,
             yourself becomes essential                                   Latvia in 2019. I was thrilled to score the Gold
                                                                          Medal considering it was my fist time competing
             before dedicating months                                     outside of China. What’s more, I was more than
             to shaping our external                                      honored to be the fist Male Fit-Model to be
                                                                          on the IFBB Fit-Model World Championship
             appearance.”                                                 poster for the year of 2020 because of my title. It
                                                                          felt like a dream come true.

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