P. 7



                                                                                After I won the champion in Riga in 2019,
                                                                            I became the role model for this category. In
                                                                            2018, when I first started competing there
                                                                            were only 6 of us, and in 2022, at our Fit
                                                                            Model Championship there were 97 male
                                                                            athletes. At almost every championship in
                                                                            China this year, the number of athletes in the
                                                                            Men’s Fit Model category outnumbered the
                                                                            Men’s Physique category.
                                                                              Last year, as I looked at the other 96
                                                                            athletes getting ready to compete, warming
                                                                            up for stage, preparing their jeans and suits,
                                                                            letting their girlfriends do their make up and
                                                                            hair, I was touched. Looking at them standing
                                                                            next to bodybuilders, but still presenting the
                                                                            beauty of the male body and possessing the
                                                                            same level of confidence as people 2 times
                                                                            their size, it warmed my heart deeply.

                                                                            EWA: What are your goals within
                                                                            your sport?
                                                                            GU DIAN: My short-term goal is to continue
                                                                            promoting this outstanding new category.
                                                                            For the past 4 years, as people may have
                                                                            seen on my Instagram, I have competed and
                                                                            trained and improved non-stop. I am known
                           WILL’S TYPICAL DAY                               in China for defined muscles but with good
                              OF TRAINING:                                  proportions, an elegant but sexy presentation
                                                                            with well tested fashion and looks. Especially
                        1. Morning Routine:
                        • Wake-Up Time: 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. (No alarm,
                         prioritizing natural wake-up)
                        • Sleep Duration: Ensuring a minimum of 8
                         hours for optimal recovery
                        2. Breakfast:
                        • Balanced and nutritious to kickstart the day
                        3. First Training Session (10-11 a.m.):
                        • Duration: 1.5 hours
                        • Focus: Varied and targeted workouts
                        4. Lunch and Recovery:
                        • Healthy post-training meal
                        • Quick nap for rejuvenation
                        5. Second Training Session (4-5 p.m.):
                        • Duration: 1.5 hours
                        • Approach: No cardio; emphasis on diet and
                         caloric management for fat loss
                        6. Post-Training Routine:
                        • Protein shake for recovery
                        • Stretching and posing session (1 hour)
                        • Optional: 3-5 minutes of meditation for
                         mental well-being
                        7. Evening Routine:
                        • Dinner with a focus on nutritional balance
                        • Meal prep for the next day
                        • Relaxation: Enjoying a glass of wine while
                         watching a TV episode

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