P. 8

“                                                             during the second round. At the end of the
                                                                          day I have been modeling since I was in high
                                                                          school. Now that I look back, I believe with
                                                                          the IFBB’s vision for the Men’s Fit-Model
                                                                          category, I have created a gateway for people
                                                                          who look like me to join the bodybuilding
                                                                          world. Fit-Model athletes must have a clear
                                                                          difference to other categories. I have been in
             My biggest influence was my
                                                                          this category since 2018. Some of my acting
             dad. Growing up and seeing
                                                                          years ago are now even beginning to compete
                                                                          as Fit Models. They think it looks elegant,
             the fitness magazines he                                     and modeling friends who laughed at me 4
                                                                          confident, healthy and what’s more, attainable.
                                                                            In China, the Fit Model category is the
             brought back from Europe                                     most talked about and most eye catching on
                                                                          social media.
             and having many chances to                                   EWA: Are there specific milestones you

             meet with bodybuilders due                                   hope to achieve in the coming years
                                                                          GU DIAN: As the first IFBB World Fit-Model
             to his work really allowed                                   Champion, I hope to use my influence to
                                                                          attract more new athletes to this category.
             me to admire the human                                       Nothing can make me happier than seeing
                                                                          more and more newcomers join the category
             body as a child. I remember                                  from all corners of the world.
                                                                            In the meantime, I hope to continue
             I wanted to look like the                                    training and getting stronger inside and
                                                                          outside. After this year’s World Fit-Model
             people in the magazine as a                                  Championship in Lithuania, I have seen a
                                                                          lot growth for myself but I’ve also seen the
             kid. I could even say I was a                                parts that I will need to continue to work at.
                                                                          Hopefully, next time I am on stage again for
             bit jealous of them.”                                        the IFBB  World Championship, I will bring a
                                                                          better version of myself.

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